NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NORWAY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Page: 5655 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.1329
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
There is a broad literature about the use of digital technology in schools, in classrooms and among teachers and students. Many studies have presented classroom cases and the application of new digital technology, discussed the technical competence of teachers and students, and investigated whether digital technology could be used to improve pedagogical practices. The latter is the focus of this study. We wanted to identify and explore best practices and challenges as regards schools and digital technology, as they were experienced by the students, the teachers and the school leadership in an innovative middle and lower secondary school.

The innovative digital school model (IDI) (Ilomäki & Lakkala, 2018) offered a framework for our research project. The IDI-model identified six elements to examine practices with digital technologies: visions of the school, leadership, practices of the teaching community, pedagogical practices, school-level knowledge practices, and digital resources. The responsibility for improving an individual school from the inside rests with the school leadership and the teachers, and the IDI- model is focused on the elements and practices inside the schools, bearing in mind the importance of external factors and stakeholders.

The data used is from an ongoing research project at a preparatory school (Grades 6-12) in Florida, USA. In this in-depth study we use several approaches and methods to give a better understanding of the existing practices using digital technology, and to answer different questions of relevance. The data collection includes interviews with different participants such as the school management, the director of technology, the teachers and the students. It also includes observations and video recordings of lessons to capture in detail how students and teachers take part in, interact and contribute to various activities using digital technologies. In addition, we have investigated documents on how the school present itself, its intentions and visions of using technologies and plans for pedagogical practices.

The paper presents some preliminary findings about aspects related to the element "digital resources" in the IDI school model, such as utility of technical resources, students and teachers` digital competence, and pedagogical and technical training and support. The school up for examination has focused on building a dynamic and technologically centered learning environment, and they have prioritized digital resources and various types of equipment. Students` digital competence is systematically supported with an iPad 1:1 program and teaching various digital skills in different subjects and through interdisciplinary projects. All teachers have multiple types of digital competence, and there is a strong focus on the pedagogical use of technology. New technologies are piloted by selected teachers to learn through experience, and teacher training sessions offer a structured preparation to use new technologies. In some instances, lack of time appeared to restrict opportunities to learn how to make best use of digital technologies. The teachers found that sharing knowledge with other teachers were an important source of learning on how to use new technologies.
Digital technology, pedagogical practices, middle school, preparatory school, interviews, observations, digital resources, teacher learning.