University of Alicante (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN16 Proceedings
Publication year: 2016
Pages: 7889-7895
ISBN: 978-84-608-8860-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2016.0730
Conference name: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2016
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Introduction to research is a fundamental part of postgraduate studies and doctorate, which teaching and learning has followed a traditional structure. This type of reproduction based methodologies hinders the proper learning and subsequent application of the lessons learned in the workplace.

For this reason, methodologies based in technology, although very applied in other areas, have not been introduced in pure research content. Introduction to research is a common subject in the preparatory curricula for carrying out doctoral studies, with an important role in the future development of the researcher.

However, the learning curve of these materials is long, due to the number of new concepts that students must face. On the other hand, there are different educational virtual platforms able to provide adequate space to develop classes, interact with students and structuring tasks easy, simple, appropriate, consistent with an education based on technology and communication.

This article presents an experience of open, flexible methodology based on problem solving through a digital educational platform in the research initiation. Results indicate that the level of achievement of objectives has been very high, judging by the level of content acquisition, as well as subjective assessment by the students, who have felt partakers of their own process of teaching and learning.

Materials and methods:
The study sample consists of 36 students of the master of secondary education in course in Physical Education Research.

Each session was divided into two blocks:
Block 1. Theory: After a theoretical presentation with unidirectional / collaborative mixed model, students complete a web questionnaire on the contents of recent theory.
Block 2. Practice. Students are provided a script with homework and activities to complete in a practice designed to explore the theoretical content of the session.

After three sessions on searches and bibliographic managers, an opinion questionnaire was delivered to assess the subject and methodology of work.

The questionnaire covered six dimensions:
- Interest in the subject
- Contents seen so far
- Teacher presentations
- Making questionnaires at class
- Making the practices suggested by Professor
- Using Google Classroom as digital platform

Students valued positively (8 score) their interest in the subject and the contents covered. All of them rated with the highest score the increase in skills and knowledge regarding the search for information. Regarding teacher presentations, students assessed positively the structure proposed in sessions (scores of 8, 9 and 10). They perceived that theory followed by web questionnaires help to consolidate theory contents. Another part which was also positively assessed by students was the implementation of practices. They reported that such methodology helped them to strengthen theoretical contents as to establish meaningful learning content. Finally, the use of Google Classroom application was perceived as an effective tool of interaction with peers and teacher so it was valued with the highest score.
Physical Education, Digital Platforms, Google Classroom, Research subject.