1 Politehnica University of Timisoara (ROMANIA)
2 Palatul Copiilor Tg Jiu (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 2009-2015
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.0524
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
The last two years were very difficult for everybody because of the pandemic but, the most affected domain was education. Both, students and educators, suffered because of the teaching process switching from face to face to online.

During online teaching the educational process suffers because a lot of factors like the interaction between teacher and student, the student’s concentration and motivation and of course the webcam closure. So, along with the classical roles that a teacher must play (i.e., of an educator, a moderator, a model of inspiration for the students) new roles appears, like entertainer and story teller and all this time the information must be transferred accurately at highest level.

Furthermore, the teacher is compelled to deliver his information in a logical and interesting way, creating a positive and pleasant learning environment, to motivate and facilitate the increase of students' performance and to verify and ensure the achievement of learning objectives and of course, all this time evaluate the student’s performances.

So, in order to do all of the above and to avoid the student’ daydreaming or performing other activities during online classes, the teacher must make its material attractive and must engage the student’ interactivity. A good way to increase the student’ interactivity during online classes is the integration of online platforms in the teaching process.

In this paper, we want to highlight the benefits of open online platforms integrated in the online teaching process in order to obtain a higher student’ interactivity during online classes using communication technics to increase the student’ performances. Using these open online platforms both, teachers and students, improve their teaching/learning process. So, an interactive online educational environment is created due to their versatile applications and functions.

Based on our observations (made during the teaching process to our students) and on the feedback (provided by our students) we conclude that integrating these online platforms in the teaching process both, students and teachers, become closer and the interaction between them increases.

Furthermore, the students’ engagement during online classes is considerably increased by mitigating the negative effects of lack of face-to-face communication (by eliminating the possible discomfort especially at the final evaluations), and the teacher receives active feedback for the performed teaching process.
Also, as an immediate result, we noticed a decrease in absenteeism and postponement of exams in scheduled sessions.
Education, online teaching process, online platforms, interactivity, communication.