Nisu University (SERBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in:
ICERI2009 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 4811-4817
ISBN: 978-84-613-2953-3
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 2nd International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 16-18 November, 2009
Location: Madrid, Spain
Education as a process of forming a person's character has always had in important influence on young people. The changes that appeared in hard times have had a negative reflection on the ethic of a personality. In the process of developing a complete personality, distinct forms of persuasion, explanation, drilling moral skills, motivation. The study aims to investigate current guidance techniques applied within the method of encouragement as well as to assess difference of factor scores in practice of school education.The sample comprised 296 respondents in all, of which 134 were in the eight grade of primary school and 162 in the fourth grade of secondary school, of various educational profiles. Eighty one respondents are male (27.36%) and 215 are female (72.64%). As for the place of residence, rural and urban populations are roughly equal. We maintains that in the application of various guidance procedures there are differences by gender, age and place of residence, both in the method of encouragement.The hypothesis was partially confirmed since we established statistically significant differences in the application of different factor scores of the method of encouragement in school guidance in terms gender and age, while no statistically significant difference was found concerning the place of residence.
Teachers develop freedom of individual more in female than in male students;
Teachers apply the method of subsidiarity more to primary school aged respondents (giving advice, guidance), in comparison with the secondary school aged respondents, since the level of responsibility of respondents rises with their age.
The analysis of the results of empiric investigation provides insight into the nature and characteristics of encouragement and repression devices, and point to general trends in their application.
encouragement, subsidiarity, freedom of individual, metacognition.