University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8584-8592
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.2384
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
The research aim was to investigate the possibility of acquisition of foreign language through physical movement where the joint point was Total Physical Response (TPR) method. This method implies the acquisition of a foreign language using body movement. It is based on understanding and listening to a foreign language and performing certain actions. The sample included 174 examinees – 140 English teachers in primary schools and 34 senior students who have attended their final year of teacher education programs study. Possibility for acquisition of foreign language through body movement was evaluated through indirect measurement using the composite measuring instrument. The questionnaire contained 42 questions. First part consisted of demographic questions (gender, age, years of work experience and classes in which the respondent teaches), in the second part questions related to information and the use of the TPR method in one's own teaching, and in the third part a set of questions related to satisfaction with the movement teaching method was asked. For the statement, the participants gave answers on a five-point Likert-type scale (1 – completely disagree, 2 – disagree, 3 – neither agree nor disagree, 4 – agree, 5 – completely agree). The obtained data were analysed descriptively showing central and dispersive parameters (mean, SD, min, max, a3 and a4, frequency). The metric characteristics of the questionnaire were established, and as parametric statistical method factor analysis was used with Varimax factor rotation and the Kaiser-Guttman criterion.

The results showed latent structure of examinees' attitudes towards acquisition of foreign language throughout different body movements, as well as opinions on the functionality of the TPR method in working with students. Total physical response method is based on understanding and listening to a foreign language and performing certain actions the teacher asks from students. Coordination of movement and speech can facilitate language learning. The emphasis of the TPR method is on active learning, which can change the way the brain works and accelerate and improve the learning process. In other words, students can better absorb teaching content and acquire other skills by engaging their body, not just passively observing. This method is dynamic and adaptable for different age groups. It contributes to a better and longer-term acquisition of teaching content, it also fulfils students' needs for movement and play, which is very important for their physical, psychological and social growth and development. In this way, students can be more motivated and will gladly participate in the teaching process.

Four factors were extracted by factor analysis, but only two are interpretive. The first factor refers to the positive sides of the TPR method in teaching. The method enables easier and faster mastering of teaching content, encourages students to actively participate in classes and creates a pleasant and motivating atmosphere in the classroom while the second factor refers to the shortcomings of the method. Teacher's find most often problems with discipline in the classroom, lack of space in the classrooms, and less suitability of the method for older students.
body movement, elementary school, English as a foreign language, factor analysis, kinesiology activities, primary school, TPR method