Mendel University in Brno (CZECH REPUBLIC)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 5752-5759
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.1352
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
The topic will be treated in the form of an overview study, which will summarize the current state of knowledge in an area that is increasingly at the forefront of scientific research. The topic of stress is not new, but perspectives on it are changing with time and under the influence of current events. This study will summarise the latest findings, which are the result of an examination of sub-studies that have been carried out in the Czech Republic over the past 10 years. So far, the interest of researchers has focused more on the personality of the teacher in general and neglected the specifics that relate to the position of the university teacher. Stress in general is perceived as a negative phenomenon. However, a certain degree of stress can be beneficial, as it also mobilizes the hidden potentialities of the individual (e.g., posttraumatic growth). Stress is a condition of life and without stress life would not be possible. Rather, it is the degree of stress and its intensity and duration that matters. If a certain threshold is crossed, then it becomes bothersome and dangerous, where, for example, burnout syndrome and depression occur, or in extreme cases, the destruction of the organism. Negative stress, which is threatening in the field of education in terms of its level of burden and duration, affects both students and teachers. It is difficult to separate the two groups precisely in terms of coping with stress, as they have a strong influence on each other. Our primary focus of interest is on the teacher-academic. The teaching profession ranks among the most demanding professions in terms of psychological stress. Teachers of kindergarten, primary, secondary and university schools have to face new, untried situations every working day, which they also have to deal with very quickly, without much delay. Another burden is related to the fact that they are dealing with a large number of people and at different ages, educational, mental levels and personal maturity. Working with people requires personal preparedness as well as professional competence. In this paper, we will define stress in general terms, focus on its specifics in an academic setting, and try to highlight some situations that are characterized by increased levels of stress. Finally, we will add some suggestions and recommendations on how to counteract and mitigate stress in academics. The goal, therefore, is to learn how to manage and face stress effectively and, where appropriate, to use it as a stimulus to mobilize strength and also to provide the individual with an adequate self-image where he or she can find out what is still bearable and beneficial and what is already destructive and damaging. What one perceives as a stimulus and incentive for improvement can be destructive to another. Here, too, there is considerable individuality and variability, which is determined not only by personality structure but also by acquired experience and life practice. Properly managed stress stimuli, a reasonable level of stress in the university environment brings satisfaction, equanimity and plenty of energy. Teacher satisfaction is subsequently reflected in student satisfaction and vice versa. However, in our paper we will primarily focus on the teacher and observe how he/she copes with stress, how he/she experiences it and how he/she works with it.
Stress theory, symptoms of stress, academic staff, burnout syndrom, depression, posttraumatic growth, stress compensation.