Silesian university in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina (CZECH REPUBLIC)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 4573-4577
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.1001
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Education is a process to support better development of skills in a specified subject. In a global society, information is everywhere, but it is not enough to know about the optimal method solution. It is about understanding a new approach and the ability to combine existing knowledge into new innovations. And other skill is very important, it is the ability to work in teams. The development of information technology (IT) is fast and new approaches are integrated into new applications that are released every day. These are not only new information systems, but also new versions of actual applications that would like to be user-friendly with an intuitive menu for IT users. The existing problem is that many applications are received with embarrassment and their users have a bad experience with them. They have low level IT skills and high expectations in intuitive navigation of the implemented application. This situation is visible in many surveys and questionnaires.

Existing problem and questions:
In times of crises and unexpected situations, many small and middle-sized businesses are looking for new innovations for the implemented activity and must be useful for their customers. Today's days show more pressure on the distance between people and the default communication is limited in many cases; therefore, it is good to use information technology to support business and contact with customers. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has a direct effect on contact with customers. The implementation of information technology for this purpose consists of a large number of rules. In this situation, life-long learning has an important place here with the ability to lead for innovation with a high-added value. The question for this article is how to promote high quality learning for high quality CRM. Are CRM metrics also useful in life-long learning? How is relation between them?

Method solution and achieved results:
The reason for this topic is to support sustainable development based on CRM and innovations. Businesses need time to adapt to new situations and they also need to understand customers. In many cases, entrepreneurs understand metrics that affect their business, and it is a good idea to connect some of these metrics into education to show hidden benefits and better remembering. For active solution of existing problem and assigned questions, the method solution is based on a multicriteria managerial decision-making. Selected criteria from marketing, such as increase the response to marketing campaigns, increasing the number of market opportunities, improving targeting or shortening the sales cycle time, will examined in terms of business and life-long learning in CRM. The achieved results will be beneficial for supporting connection between business and education based on actual knowledge of CRM and their implementation in practice.
CRM, information technology, innovation, life-long learning.