University of Zadar (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 4731-4741
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1140
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
The needs of modern society inevitably pose a demand and challenge for the continuous modernization of educational systems and, consequently, the transformation of educational institutions. The school ceases to be a place where certain knowledge is transferred to pupils and becomes a place of continuous learning also for all its employees without exception, regardless of the characteristics of the workplace. The school as an institution becomes a learning organization, whose employees are ready to permanently develop and improve their competences either individually or collectively in order to achieve common goals and the vision of creating a quality school, which will make its pupils as ready as possible for challenges in the future. The common focus of school employees on achieving common goals and vision transforms the school climate in a positive way. This primarily implies the establishment and maintenance of appropriate interpersonal relationships and therefore a lot of mutual collaboration, conversation and communication. Communication in any of its types and forms has implications for the work of school employees. Taking into account the variety of work tasks, the link between them all is the pedagogue. Therefore, communication, whether understood as a personality trait, competence, ability or skill, is one of the basic working tools of every pedagogue.

The aim of this paper is to analyse the collaboration of pedagogues with the principal and teachers within the school with an emphasis on its communication aspect. The analysis is based on the presentation of a series of studies on the assessment of the collaboration of pedagogues with principals and teachers.

Research on the collaboration of pedagogues with principals and teachers indicate a very similar assessment of the way principals and teachers communicate with pedagogues. Both groups emphasize that it suits them when communication takes place frequently and when it is clear and consistent. The results confirm that they are comfortable with formal communication in form of meetings and pre-arranged appointments. But of greater importance for them is the informal communication that takes place incidentally during the working day when the pedagogue is available. Therefore, in case of crisis situations, it is possible to react more quickly and solve the problem. Teachers find it also useful when pedagogues regularly inform them and thus stay up to date with current events. For principals, sharing information is also an important aspect of collaboration, and they are also comfortable with written communication in form of notices and reports. The assessment of principals and teachers can be summed up in the way that frequent communication with the pedagogue represents significant support in their work. This is especially true when the pedagogue is present and approachable, that is, when he is a person with whom contact is easily established. The pedagogue is then not a person who stays in the office most of the time, but someone who inspires confidence in his colleagues in his daily educational work.
Communication, pedagogue, principal, school as a-learning organization, teacher.