University of Ruse (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The COVID-19 pandemic has left 87% of the world's student population affected by school closures (data source: UNESCO). While schools and colleges are still strategizing over reopening, how are the students responding to the new era of remote learning?
To make remote learning successful, more needs to be invested in the digital, pedagogical, social, and emotional competencies required.
Although many studies have investigated this area, limited information is available regarding the challenges and the specific strategies that students employ to overcome them.
In response to school closures, educational organizations recommend the use of distance learning programs and open educational applications and platforms that schools and teachers can use to reach learners remotely and limit the disruption of education.
It's time to reconsider the ways of teaching in education. The transition from face-to-face to remote learning is really difficult for students and teachers.
There are challenges such as keeping them engaged, disciplined, and healthy to overcome this crisis in education.
The purpose of this article is to identify these challenges and suggest adequate ways to address them in the field of Computer science studied in secondary school.
A survey, conducted in the English Language School in Ruse, Bulgaria, presents how students feel about the complex Covid-19 situation and the change from face-to-face to remote learning. A comparison between different platforms for distance education is made.
The survey results reveal important and interesting findings of students' attitude in distance learning, how a teacher can keep them engaged and how these difficulties can be overcome.
The results are systematically organized and could be used for the future development of a new curriculum that adopted the principles of remote learning in secondary schools.Keywords:
Secondary education, Computer Science, face-to-face, remote learning, challenges, Covid-19, distance learning.