South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 9090-9095
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2368
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
A network is two or more computers connected to each other with the help of the necessary hardware and software to exchange information to each other and to other devices. The hardware connection between computers and other network peripherals can be built using cables (coaxial, twisted pair, optical), or using some wireless technology (IRDA, Bluetooth). Many network providers take care of the network connection protocols (TCP / IP, NetBEUI, AppleTalk, PPTR, DHCP). Generally speaking, there are two types of network - LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN - Wide Area Network – network over a wide area). A LAN is a network between multiple computers and peripherals, physically located in a sufficiently small area - for example within one or several neighboring buildings.

Wireless computer networks are the result of the natural evolution of computer systems in terms of flexibility with the use of computing resources and the freedom of users available in space and time. The current technological solutions used for wireless data transmission, depend on the geographical location of the user and the distance at which the data is transmitted.

The academic program of the South-West University "Neofit Rilski" gives students knowledge and skills on how to design, build and maintain computer networks. It covers a wide range of lectures, from basic skills such as network cabling to more complex tasks such as using tools to solve network problems.

The academic program combines online tests (using high-quality teaching material provided by the best experts in the field of networks and communications) with laboratory practical classes, where under the supervision of professionally trained instructors, students can apply their knowledge working on real computer networks and problems.

In this report we will present various software packages through which the actual training of students is carried out. We will present real changes that we use in training. In the same report we will illustrate research papers received by students and PhD students.
Computer networks, protocol.