South Ural State University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 8299-8304
ISBN: 978-84-09-08619-1
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.2063
Conference name: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 11-13 March, 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain
At the moment, we are watching the process of modernization of education, development of forms of integration of science, education, business. In the historical aspect, this processes were examined in the works of A. Marshal, M. Porter and now are reflected in the works of Anderson M., Clark B., Etzkowitz H.

World experience in the development of interregional integration structures in terms of involvement in their work of scientific and educational organizations is reduced to three models - the American, Asian, Mixed.

American type of integration (the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia). The key role here is played directly by a research university. There are two types of this integration model: Silicon Valley (the brainchild of Stanford University) and Route 128 (Massachusetts Institute of technology). A distinctive feature of this type of is that a research park and a business incubator for small venture capital firms were created on its campus. But at the second type, the small firms are located near the university and are more independent.

Asian type of integration (Japan, China, Hong Kong). Here the main role is played by the state. The state undertakes to regulate scientific and industrial activity, innovative research. This type usually called technopolis. In China there are a number of programs for the development of scientific and technical potential: “211”, “985”, “863”, “Iskra”, “Assault plan”, “Torch” etc. Enterprises have developed rapidly at universities that deal mainly with the development of high and new technologies.

Mixed type of integration (European countries). Here, as a rule, technopark structures dominate: research and technological parks, sometimes growing to agglomerations, as is the case with technopolises, but this happens with the active participation of the administration of science parks, and not the state.

Currently, Russia is also gaining more and more development in the formation of innovative complexes: technoparks and industrial parks. In the period from 2013 through 2017, the number of them parks more than doubled and grew from 80 up to 166. The sector of geography is still expanding. For example, only in Chelyabinsk region of Russia there are a lot of technological and industrial parks: “Stankomash”, “Baltika-Chelyabinsk”, “Commonwealth”, “Technics”, “IT Park”, “Android Technology”.

The most developed form of integration of science and education are flexible network structures - educational clusters, created on the basis of agreements and uniting universities, scientific organizations. In Chelyabinsk region, the innovation infrastructure has been created and operates in the leading higher educational institutions of the region: at SUSU( South Ural State University) the Scientific and Educational Center "Materials Science and Nanotechnology";centers: innovation consulting; intellectual property management; marketing innovation; experimental design. Of course, the participation of the state and large businesses in the process of integrating science, education and production plays an important role, but it is absolutely impossible to do without the participation of the university. The discussion of the problems of integration interaction, the need to develop methodological support for the integration of the subjects of the innovation process at the regional level.
University, research, education, scientific, interregional integration, innovative cluster, technopolis, innovative complexes, technopark, the industrial park, innovative products, socio-economic development, cooperation, foreign experience, the subjects of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk region.