1 Secondary school No. 43 of Tver (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 Tver State Technical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
3 Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN20 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 5787-5797
ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1509
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Currently, there are almost no extracurricular programs for students in chemistry in Russia that meet the modern requirements of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards. This article presents a version of the innovative program of students’ extracurricular activities in chemistry under the working title "Chemistry for curious schoolchildren", which has been successfully implemented in the Tver region.

The program contains the following sections:
– general characteristics;
– explanatory note;
– program content, including modules ("Educational presentations in chemistry", "Didactic games in chemistry", "Original problems in chemistry", "Problems of chemical Olympiads", "Literary creativity and chemistry", "Artistic creativity and chemistry", "Decorative and applied creativity and chemistry", "Technical creativity and chemistry", "Chemical video experiment", "Scientific creativity in chemistry", etc.) and sections ("Chemical knowledge", "Skills and appropriate actions", "Creative experience", "Value relations»);
- approximate versions of the thematic plans of the extracurricular activities of schoolchildren in chemistry for 8th and 10th year students;
- an approximate educational and thematic plan for the work with 8th year students;
- expected results of the program’s implementation;
– the types of possible projects and project products in chemistry;
– the methodical recommendations;
- preferred methods and techniques for forming cognitive interest in chemistry in extracurricular activities;
- the model of experimental organization of extracurricular classes in chemistry in the framework of the course "Chemistry for the curious schoolchildren";
- the material and technical conditions;
– the approximate version of the plan of extracurricular work in chemistry for the academic year;
- the relationship between scheduled and extracurricular work in chemistry (including the model of using various types of chemical experiment; the model of the relationship between scheduled and extracurricular work in chemistry in a modern school).

The effectiveness of implementing the innovative program of extracurricular activities of students in chemistry "Chemistry for curious schoolchildren" is confirmed by:
(a) the level of formation of separate components of their cognitive interest to chemistry;
(b) students’ personally significant results in chemistry (value, meta-subject and subject ones), including through the preparation final projects;
(c) the statistical methods that prove the reliability of experimental data and the validity of scientific results.
Chemistry, extracurricular activities, curious schoolchildren, formation of cognitive interest to chemistry, methodical recommendations.