Transilvania University of Brasov (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 9768-9775
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2539
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Student support and motivation are crucial aspects of the educational experience that can significantly impact a student's academic performance, overall well-being, and success. Student support and motivation are essential aspects of fostering a positive and conducive learning environment. Schools and educators play a vital role in providing support and fostering motivation to help students reach their full potential.

The objectives of the proposed study are:
1. Actuality of the problem of motivation in the learning process;
2. Ways of training and features of motivation;
3. Identifying the psychological aspects of motivation;
4. Analysis of socio-psychological methods for stimulating student motivation;
5. Defining the factors that influence the stimulation and motivation of students in the study process;
6. The problem of the dynamics of students' learning motivation and the change in the type of didactic activity.

The term „motivation” has different interpretations. In one case, it is considered as a combination of factors that support and direct behavior. In another case, as a set of reasons. In the third, as an impulse that causes the body's activity and determines its direction, as a complex of factors that guide and encourage human behavior. Thus, the term motivation refers to two groups of phenomena: 1) a set of reasons or factors that make up an individual system of reasons; 2) dynamic formation, process, mechanism, that is, a system of actions to activate the motives of a certain person.

The psychological study of motivation and its formation are two sides of the same process of educating the motivational sphere of the integrity of the student's personality. The study of learning motivation is necessary to identify the actual level and possible perspectives, as well as the area of its closest influence on the development of each student.
Speaking about the use of socio-psychological methods of student stimulation, it must be said that an important condition for the success of the use of stimulation is the openness and trust in the relationship between the teacher and the student: constant and accurate information about the lesson objectives, about where they can be applied the knowledge acquired, about the planned actions of a practical nature, about the success of the students’ implementation of the curriculum.

1) the development of students’ cognitive activity depends on the didactic impact on it from the teacher, as well as on the personal experience of the student himself;
2) the sources of cognitive activity can be:
• the content of the educational material,
• the learning process, which acts as a process of organizing the students’ cognitive activity,
• reserves of the student's and the teacher's personality;
3) the forms of manifestation of cognitive activity in the classroom are:
• independence;
• individual creativity;
4) the conditions for the formation of cognitive activity are:
• maximum confidence in the active mental activity of students,
• carrying out the educational process at the optimal level of student development,
• the emotional learning atmosphere, the positive emotional tone of the learning process.
For the formation of a stable positive motivation for the educational activity, it is very important that each student feels a subject of the educational process. This can be facilitated by a form of personal role organization of the educational process.
Student, student support, motivation, educational experience, the psychological study of motivation.