University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8593-8599
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.2385
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
In this research, changes in individual motor abilities were checked over a five years period in children aged six years ± 6 months. The authors believe that the changes could have occurred due to a sedentary lifestyle and the covid pandemic. A total of 229 preschool children from the city of Zagreb in Croatia took part in the survey. The measurements were carried out on two occasions, in 2017 and 2022. The sample size from 2017 included 116 respondents and in 2022, 113 respondents. Children were measured with a total of six variables to assess individual motor skills: coordination (MKPN), balance (MRSJNK), explosive strength (MSDM), repetitive strength (MST30), speed (MBTR), flexibility (MFSR) and endurance (MI90). In addition, morphological characteristics height and weight were also measured and additionally Body mass index (BMI) was calculated. For data processing statistical analysis ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc test was used to check possible statistically significant differences between measured variables over the two measurements. The hypothesis was set: there was a decrease in motor skills over the period of five years. The obtained results confirmed changes. In all measured variables, children measured in 2022 were weaker compared to children measured five years before in 2017. In three variables, these differences were statistically significant at the significance level 0.05. Differences appeared in the variables that were testing motor skills: coordination, speed and strength. It is well known that during the pandemic (2020 and 2021) children have spent significantly more time in their homes on several occasions. From the data, it can be concluded how children have not sufficiently developed their coordination, speed and strength due to lack of time spent in various physical activities. In addition to the pandemic, the cause is also the ubiquitous sedentary lifestyle that has become more and more dominant nowadays. Research conducted in the Republic of Croatia indicates that almost 60% of children spend more than 180 minutes a day in "quiet games". The results indicate the need for the significant change of preschool children's everyday lifestyle. Accordingly, the hypothesis set was accepted. In order to improve the level of development of certain motor skills, the time children spend daily in physical activities should be increased. Also, parents need to be educated about the importance of physical activities for the development of their children's anthropological characteristics, as well as about their eating habits, in which the proportion of foods rich in nutritional values and those with low caloric values should be increased. Programs where children would spend more time in various physical activities need to be designed and implemented as soon as possible in preschools institutions in order to stop the decay of the level of development of motor skills in preschool children. In addition, the obtained results indicate the necessity to change future teachers' education programs in the way to provide them with more knowledge about the importance of physical activities for the anthropological development of preschool children. That would lead to adoption of higher levels of teachers' specific competences for carrying out different physical activities with children. A decrease in the level of development of motor skills can significantly affect the quality of life of children and young people in the forthcoming years.
changes in preschool programs, coordination, motor skills, 6-year-old children, speed, strength