HAMK - Häme University of Applied Sciences (FINLAND)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 11332-11335
ISBN: 978-84-09-14755-7
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2019.2816
Conference name: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 11-13 November, 2019
Location: Seville, Spain
One constant topic of discussion around universities of applied sciences (UAS) is the coordination and balance between work-based research and education.

In Finland the UAS legislation defines their role as centrals for higher education, applied research in support of it, and promotion of regional development. In practice, they are all interlinked. However, the role of research is thus clearly determined as one of the main activities. In carrying out applied research activities with companies the university also acts as a regional influencer.

Applied research is a research activity where scientific research results are put into practice by developing and executing practical applications together with the end users. These kind of activities require close connections between the university and local enterprises as well as readiness to flexibility for making learning processes more work life oriented.

By definition, true work life orientation means content and methods that directly reflect the needs of working life. The challenge of the term is how those needs are found; are they based on the teaching staff insight into the needs of working life or are there more systematic methods for mapping the needs?

When considering the goals set for education, almost any field the same demands are made that reflect the business environment change. These new objectives are highlighted in the development of engineering education. The students must receive during their studies certain basic competences related to the field of education. In addition to this the students are also expected to gain a little more insight into some subject area.

These requirements have not changed much over the years, though of course, the profiling content may vary. In addition to theoretical and practical knowledge, the students are expected to gain many other skills during their studies. The student must understand the role of different areas of expertise in a broad context, to be self-directed, to search and apply new knowledge, be able to solve problems in different situations and environments, be able to work in a group also internationally, be able to act customer-oriented, etc. There are many demands, but compared today’s to working life they are quite understandable.

This paper describes how we respond to the challenges described above and how we integrate business-oriented applied research into the student's everyday life at degree programme in mechanical engineering and production technology in Häme University of Applied Sciences.
Applied research, problem based learning.