Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN17 Proceedings
Publication year: 2017
Pages: 4847-4855
ISBN: 978-84-697-3777-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2017.2083
Conference name: 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2017
Location: Barcelona, Spain
The present article, in process, is about how Cooperative Learning Approach (CL) helps children improve their oral competency in learning English as a foreign language. It is based on action research methodology and takes place at Centro de Auto Aprendizaje de Idiomas (CAADI) from Facultad de Organización Deportiva in Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México. A theoretical framework, the process followed in the research, results and some suggestions are explained.

When children learn English as a foreign language, they face emotional factors that hinder the development of their oral competency, such as lack of motivation, lack of self-esteem and anxiety. These factors affect the way children create the conception of ‘succeed or failure’ towards learning the target language. In other words, if they make a mistake, then, they get a reason to have no confidence and to avoid participation. Thus, teachers should be aware of these inhibiting factors and apply approaches to decrease their impact in classrooms.

Cooperative Learning Approach currently, is a useful tool in teaching and learning fields, especially in teaching foreign and second languages because it is a different and structured way to work in classes. CL is focused on group efforts, where students can work together in order to increase their own and others knowledge (Johnson, Johnson y Holubec, 1999, p.14) Its objective is to motivate students to achieve goals with the participation of all team members, applying techniques where they can practice interaction and social skills.

Due to the characteristics of CL, it is the best option to develop the oral competency. By working in groups, students improve their language skills with the interaction. They need to talk and make discussions with their peers to perform as well as possible the tasks given in class. In addition, when students experiment this cooperative atmosphere, they feel support and motivation from others that do not permit the access to the inhibiting factors.

Having the interest to prove the usefulness of CL and its impact on the oral competency, an action research was carried out in the English Centre mentioned before. It was applied in two classrooms with a sample group formed by 22 false beginner students, around the ages 9 and 10 coursing the second level of English. The results obtained in this research provided information about the needs of the students, the weak and strong areas on teaching, and the conditions required to develop a good cooperative class. These results are a guideline to design a didactic proposal to put in practice; that is a lesson plan for a cooperative class. The description of the content, the steps of the cooperative activities, the material, the time for application and some recommendations are included.
Cooperative Learning, oral competency, inhibiting factors of learning, children’s courses, learning techniques, action research.