University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (MALAYSIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN09 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 2408-2415
ISBN: 978-84-612-9801-3
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 1st International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-8 July, 2009
Location: Barcelona ,Spain
The desire to reproduce the success of the home model abroad is a necessary and understandable one. The identity and reputation of the University is an issue that most deservedly requires and demands attention. The need to carbon copy the base and implement this afield can however lead to potential problems and difficulties. There is considerable scope for failure should this initiative be followed blindly without consideration for development, culture or even location.

While it is admirable, not to mention prudent, to want to duplicate and continue building a legacy, it is not always advisable to pursue this with no regard for circumstance or consideration of purpose. There must be an element of rigidity, as without this one cannot guarantee continuity and stability. The external must be recognizable as part of the internal or the name cannot be protected. There must be awareness and connection between both sections of the endeavor as without this there does not exist cohesion but rather franchise development and autonomy.

The fundamental comprehension and understanding of what is meant by a Graduate School and the implications this has for workload, distribution and dissemination of ideas are crucial. Balance must be struck but not at the expense of individuality. To blindly follow the established pattern is rife with danger. To fail to comprehend the nature of the new environment or the specific needs of the students and staff is to ultimately fail in the task. Creating existence may well be possible but generating successful development and ensuring far reaching impact will not.

A strong connection to the home base is necessary as the input and support from those who have gone before are vital. This support must take the form of guidance and advice rather than dictation and control. There must exist an element of freedom and individual development which, in turn, can be related back to the home network for inclusion and understanding. In the current climate of international education, no home base is unique in its student make up, no home base possesses a monopoly of national climate and therefore, there are lessons to be learned abroad that are applicable at home.

The expansion of departments abroad, not only has the potential to develop and enhance the reputation and standing of the University, but also to promote and sustain the growth and integrity of the home base. The connection and association of the two entities, coupled with a fundamental understanding of the nature of international education, greatly aids and promotes the concept of higher education and sustains cooperation and stability. There must be homage paid to the home base as this promotes cooperation and reduces the time needed to generate course development or systematic structural understanding. There must be a connection but the identity of the department abroad must take on a life of its own, it must reflect its place in the new surroundings while remaining constant to the reality of the home base. Constant but in a fluid state of change.

internationalisation, development, structure, cohesion, communication, identity.