1 Graduate School of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University (JAPAN)
2 Center for Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo Gakugei University (JAPAN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 9381-9389
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2406
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Students are required to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills, as well as various competencies like “the fundamental conditions and core knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that are prerequisites for further learning across the entire curriculum” as the OECD points out. To foster students’ learning in school, it is important to continuously assess their progress from multiple perspectives like each competency that students need to acquire and improve future instruction to further the students’ progress. It is also important for students to monitor and regulate their own learning. Thus, teachers should conduct assessment to improve future lessons, while students should proactively learn through self-assessment by reflecting on their own learning. However, it is difficult to perform both assessments at the same time in lessons. Therefore, learning materials or frameworks are needed to support assessment for both teachers and students.

Due to the development of ICT technology and the impact of COVID-19, in Japan, every student is provided with a tablet device, and teaching using educational cloud platforms is becoming more widespread. However, ways of utilizing educational cloud platforms for assessment still need to be clarified.

The purpose of our study is to support assessment by teachers and students from multiple perspectives. Specifically, we constructed a model of assessment from multiple perspectives and developed e-worksheet learning materials based on the model to support assessment.

We constructed a model of assessment for learning from multiple perspectives. In this model, the teacher first creates learning materials to collect records of the students’ learning progress. Then the teacher conducts lessons using the created learning materials. Students use the materials and record what they learned or what they were engaged in in the lessons. After the lessons, the teacher assesses the students’ progress from multiple perspectives and uses the results to improve future lesson plans. Meanwhile, the students monitor and regulate their own learning by recording their progress.

We developed e-worksheet learning materials based on the constructed model on an educational cloud platform. The materials are a combination of learning activities for accumulating learning records and items for students to reflect on their learning. In particular, the items for reflection on learning enable assessment from specific perspectives that the teachers want to target. By using the e-worksheet learning materials across multiple lessons/units, teachers and students can assess changes/growth from multiple perspectives, extract specific items for reflection, and evaluate them in chronological order.

On the e-worksheet, items for learning activities are arranged on each slide depending on the design of lessons or the entire unit of lessons, and items for reflection on learning are arranged by the perspectives that teachers want to grasp at certain points in the lessons.

We conducted and evaluated practice lessons using the developed e-worksheet learning materials. We found that the teacher was able to grasp students’ changes/growth from each perspective and assess specific perspectives of items for reflection on learning in chronological order. In addition, we found that students could reflect and regulate their own learning by recording their progress using the e-worksheets.

In the future, we will conduct a detailed evaluation.
Learning assessment, Assessment from multiple perspectives, Learning materials, E-worksheet, educational cloud platform.