Charles University in Prague, Medical Faculty in Hradec Kralove (CZECH REPUBLIC)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2013 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 1500-1507
ISBN: 978-84-616-3847-5
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 18-20 November, 2013
Location: Seville, Spain
Information technologies can significantly widen the spectrum of teaching methods used in preclinical medical study. New conception of practical classes from Medical Biophysics at Medical Faculty of Charles University in Hradec Kralove, our experience with its application, and its evaluation by students are presented. Newly designed concept of practical classes combines the computer aided education and simulation of real systems of healthcare in a hospital. It assumes the use of a professional MIS (Medical Information System) for on-line medical data processing and storage in practical exercises and LMS (Learning Management System) Moodle for on-line interactive presentation of all study materials (instructions and explanation of theoretical background of these exercises). For more information about e-learning courses in Moodle see Students have two roles that include the role of patient and the role of physician. Students have to pass in this way five practical exercises that include Ultrasound imaging methods, Computed tomography, Electrocardiography and blood pressure measurement, Microscopy (size of red blood cells measurement) and Senses (eye, ear). Most of laboratory exercises simulate basic noninvasive medical examination and imaging methods. Students practice the inspection of real patient (student) in a virtual medical office from the first year of study. This approach facilitates students' transition from theoretical (preclinical) to clinical part of their study. It significantly improves performance in important skills and learning outcomes especially from the medical physics and informatics but also important soft skills (interviewing, communication).

We verified the impact and the learning outcomes of this new concept qualitatively by using an on-line survey in the form of multiple choice questions. The survey was accessible to all students from the first year of study of general medicine during the examination period of the winter term. Completion of the questionnaire was free and voluntary. The survey confirmed the positive reaction of students to the idea of using the virtual medical practice as an educational environment. Statistical tests of the feedback also confirm that the new computer aided learning method (e-learning) significantly influence the number of positive responses to the question about the impact of practical classes.
Supported by the programme PRVOUK P37/09
Medical information system, medical physics, study information system, virtual medical office, undergraduate medical education, e-learning.