1 Researcher at the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
3 Yanka Kupala State University (BELARUS)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 4610-4615
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1220
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The main purpose of this research is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of professional and personal teachers’ self-development at a stage of active professionalization, the construction of the determination of levels of the individually developed level of a teacher’s personal reflection. The modification of the personal constructs method (J.Kelly) used to diagnose the individually developed level of a teacher’s retrospective, actual and prospective personal reflection is presented.

Problem statement:
New experimental and empirical results that show the dependence between the level of reflectiveness and the duration of pedagogical activeness are given in the article. The study revealed that the reflection is a component of professionally important teacher’s qualities structure; one of the major parameters of reflection is its focus that explains, on what "self" aspect the process of a person’s self-comprehension as a subject of activity is mainly concentrated.

Research methods and background:
Diagnostic methods were used: the method of cross-section cuts, questioning, content-analysis of teachers’ self-characteristics, a set of personal features (A.G.Shmelev), the method of personal constructs (repertory grid technique – J.Kelly). Processing of the data was carried out by ranging and factorial analysis technique.

Results and discussion:
The scientifically valid results are obtained, allowing to identify the levels of personal reflection of teachers as well as to identify factors affecting the process of self-development of their professional activity. The laws of teachers' personal reflection development with increase of pedagogical activity experience revealed in the research reflect a specialist's professional and personal development internal contradictions.

Teachers have had the experience of pedagogical activity less than 3 years pass a complicated period of adaptation when they have no clear notion of themselves as the subjects of professional and pedagogical activity, there arise contradictions between knowledge, skills, abilities and requirements of work. It leads to increase of irritability, emotional instability, pessimism fixed in respondents' actual and prospective personal reflection in the first teacher’s group. Teachers with the experience of pedagogical activity from 3 till 6 years have overcome the crisis period of "immersing" into profession and the stuff of workers, have gained independence and psychological protection strategies for achievement a feeling of safety and personal balance. Therefore personal retrospective and actual reflection’s structures of this group are more positive as compared to the first group. Teachers have had the experience more than 6 years during personal retrospective and actual reflection have created the most positive reflective images of a teacher which testify to high self-estimation and self-acceptance level. Alongside with positive tendencies of a teacher's person development, facts of "self" estimations amplification in actual and prospective reflection’s structure of teachers in the third group were revealed. They point to occurrence of new contradictions, solution of which is possible through search and finding of new purposes and motives of professional and personal development
Personal and professional self-development, personal reflection, retrospective reflection, actual reflection, prospective reflection, factor structure of reflection, self-image.