1 Researcher at the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 State University of Physical Education and Sport (MOLDOVA)
3 Shevchenko Transnistria State University (MOLDOVA)
4 Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 4631-4636
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1225
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The system of Russian teacher education at the present stage is undergoing significant changes related to the need to comply with the principle of federalism in relation to the subjects of the Russian Federation. The unique features of the socio-cultural environment of the region have a positive impact on the development of their identity within the framework of a single multicultural educational space of the state.

Problem statement:
The system of pedagogical education at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is normatively regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard of the teacher, which ensures the requirement for the integrity of the state educational policy. But directly the training of teachers involves their inclusion in a certain local network of social ties of the education system for the formation of professional socialization.

Research methods and background:
targeted observation; comparative analysis of teacher education systems; structural and functional analysis of teacher training systems; factor analysis of the regional educational environment.

Results and discussion:
The regional systems of pedagogical education of Pridnestrovie, Rostov region of the Russian Federation are analyzed. The main characteristics of the socio-cultural environment for building a system of training teachers are determined. On the basis of structural and functional analysis, the types of regional systems of pedagogical education are determined. Socio-cultural factors influencing the organization of continuous training of teachers in the constituent entities.
As a basis for designing the education system in the socio-cultural environment of the region, target priorities for the development of the subjects of Russia have been identified and the following scientific approaches to its modernization have been identified: the culturological theory of advanced personality-oriented education, which made it possible to substantiate advanced goal-setting for the construction of a system of pedagogical education; an environmental approach that determines that the vectors of development of the system of teacher education should be determined on the basis of an analysis of the characteristics and factors of the development of the region; integrative approach to substantiate the coherence of the state and regional systems of teacher education based on the capabilities of the socio-cultural environment; axiological approach - as a fundamental basis for the content of pedagogical education on the basis of universal and national values.

It is concluded that in the conditions of the socio-cultural environment of the region, the main directions of development of the system of pedagogical education are: determination of the principles of interaction of subjects of the educational sphere of the region on a parity, ethical basis; fulfillment of the requirements for filling the content base of the regional educational platform: reliability and scientificity of subject and psychological and pedagogical information; value content based on the requirements of state and regional socio-cultural policy; opportunity for self-development: drawing up maps of professional deficits and roadmaps for personal and professional growth of teachers; construction of different formats of interaction of subjects of the system of training of teachers: virtual, augmented, mixed online and remote.
Socio-cultural regional environment, regional system of pedagogical education, theoretical approaches and principles, training of teachers.