About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN18 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 4466-4469
ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2018.1120
Conference name: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 2-4 July, 2018
Location: Palma, Spain
RUDN University is classic university with about 20.000 students from more than 150 countries. The mission of our University is uniting people of different cultures by knowledge. We are educating leaders to make the World better. Due to our mission and having excellent specialists in human rights at the Department of International Law, RUDN University supported with United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and in cooperation with several partner-universities created in 2009 joint master program "International Protection of Human RIghts". Now this network become much bigger and have 9 Universities from Russian Federation. This program is following core values: multinationality, multidisciplinary and international cooperation. One of the main partners of our program is European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization (EIUC, Italy). Master students of the 1st year always attend EIUC summer school for human rights and students of the 2nd year have a pre-diploma internship at one of EIUC Universities (there are more than 40 Universities in EIUC Program). Programs of Russian Consortium Universities have each own curriculum but with basic courses for all programs. Program of RUDN University consist of unique courses including African system of human rights protection, Vulnerable groups protection and human rights, Migration and Asylum in international law, Environmental Human Rights, etc.

Among our teacher are two UN experts, specialist in human rights. Most lecturers graduated with specialisation in international law and human rights from Harvard University, Amsterdam University, Lund University, etc. Every year program invited 5-10 lecturer abroad.

With the support of the OHCHR at the RUDN University there was opened inter-university resource center for human rights. Resource center has its own library with huge number of handbooks and brochures on human rights including unique literature on public international law. Students have there all opportunities to learn human rights, to have lecture there and provide educational games and moot court competitions.

RUDN University is planned to increase resource centre library, to get new agreements with International Organisations to get new places for internship, etc.
Human rights, international law, UN, master program, RUDN University, EIUC.