2 Cap Ulysse (FRANCE)
3 TECNE - Université de Poitiers (FRANCE)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2014 Proceedings
Publication year: 2014
Pages: 1076-1084
ISBN: 978-84-616-8412-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 10-12 March, 2014
Location: Valencia, Spain
One of the main objectives of the European Commission (EC), regarding their Education and Training strategy, is to promote the Trans-European mobility of students, teachers, professors and other People in the Labour Market. The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), EC’s flagship programme in the field of Education and training for the period 2007-2013, provides mobility opportunities through initiatives such as Erasmus or Leonardo da Vinci. Within the new period (2014-2020), the EC has even increased the funds allocated to its new flagship programme called Erasmus +. This will enhance Mobility actions not only amongst EU members and candidate countries but will also enlarge it to Third countries.

This corresponds with the Europe 2020 strategy to boost Education as one of the main EU pillars to become a worldwide reference in the field. Mobility is also viewed by other studies and reports of the European Union as the best way to raise European citizenship. These reports also prove that Mobility reinforces the acquisition of soft skills such as adaptability, taking initiative etc. At a time when a main concern of the EU is the reduction of unemployment, such skills are deemed a real added value in the labour market.

MASTER Mob intends to support participants on mobility programmes to overcome the main problems that arise while carrying out their experience abroad. In order to achieve this goal, MASTER Mob has gathered expert organizations in Mobility programmes. This panel is also working with Research institutions to develop online solutions that will be applied to design a complete training pathway. Master Mob training process is inspired by the European Qualification Framework by the Lifelong Learning programme (EQF) and a previous European funded project, INCA. Partners has defined a framework that tackle six main competences: Tolerance of Ambiguity, Behavioural Flexibility, Communicative Awareness, Knowledge Discovery, Respect for Otherness, and Empathy. A training path has been designed as an online platform for which video serious game will be created. This game aims to raise awareness among trainees of the main intercultural issues and to help trainers to manage the pathway as a whole. After that an online platform will include the different learning modules to be followed by the trainees. Additionally different learning modules for trainees will be provided onsite and online. Tools and resources for Trainers will complete this learning process. As a result, trainees will receive a “passport” as a certificate of completion.

The main project outcomes will benefit both Trainers from EU mobility operators, and trainees or students participating in the programme. The Pilot testing will be particularly focused on Trainees doing workplace training abroad. As such, the serious game designed will mainly tackle those situations.

The final results are expected to be ready by the end September 2014, although prototypes will be ready to be presented in March.
Upon finishing the project, the partnership aims to be recognized by educational stakeholders in order to extend this multimedia training solution to other Educational institutions dealing with Mobility programmes.
Education in a multicultural society, Student support in Education, Lifelong Learning, Students and Staff Mobility programmes, International Cooperation.