Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN16 Proceedings
Publication year: 2016
Pages: 859-863
ISBN: 978-84-608-8860-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2016.1169
Conference name: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2016
Location: Barcelona, Spain
A methodology based on collaborative learning supported by digital technologies was conceived as a strategy to develop the topic of plastic recycling in the context of a discipline of Environmental Chemistry in an undergraduate course to train Natural Science teachers. The methodology consisted in developing a project to learn about plastic recycling.

The objective of the activity was to provide the opportunity for learning by means of investigation, research, collective reflection on the topic of plastic recycling, and also, based on these activities, to elaborate teaching materials for basic education on the subject.

The teaching material about plastic recycling produced collaboratively through this Project was an application for smartphones and tablets. Free software “Fábrica de Aplicativos” was used to create the application.

For the organization and collaborative development of the learning Project, “Google Drive” was used, associated with “SimpleMind”, an App for smartphones and tablets with which mind maps were collectively elaborated.

These mind maps recorded the appropriation of the topic of plastic recycling by the students throughout the development of the learning Project, since their purpose was to summarize the result of discussions, reflections and planning of the app structure and contents on plastics recycling.

This Project developed in face to face and distant meetings lasted one semester. Details of all stages involved in the project and the App created will be shown in the final article.
Plastic recycling, chemistry education, Apps, smartphone, tablet.