About this paper:
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
In a partnership between ASU Prep Digital (Arizona State University's public charter school) and Gen.G Esports, we have designed a digital curriculum that will support the English acquisition of Korean students by infusing E-gaming concepts and projects. The first one-semester pilot course will facilitate collaborative projects that are student-driven and outcome motivated. In addition to the synchronous collaborative element, students will also practice vocabulary and grammar in an asynchronous environment using Rosetta Stone. The topics within the asynchronous will align to the language targets identified in each project.
This fall, we have approximately 20-25 students joining our Global English Acquisition Course with all students located in Seoul, South Korea, and the ASU Prep Digital Teacher located in the United States. These students are also participating in a side-by-side course that specifically teachers E-Gaming strategies related to the League of Legends. Students will not only utilize English in their ELL course, but will also transfer their skills to the E-Gaming course hosted by Gen. G.
This digital course, Global English Acquisition, will include authentic learning experiences through Project Based Learning that incorporate e-gaming and other marketing, tech development, and other projects geared towards student interests. The essential learning functions are: research, expression of ideas (both verbal and written), collaboration, and reflection.
ASU Prep Digital teachers host two live lessons per week to provide structured English support, facilitate peer-to-peer collaboration, and engage authentic discourse. Course learning targets include assessment for mastery and use of an asynchronous tool (i.e. Rosetta Stone) to refine vocabulary and grammar usage.
Our guiding principals in establishing a learning environment that inspires student participation and enhances mastery of the English language are the valuing of student voice and choice, innovation and design, and language for global success.
Desired outcomes:
Students will have an authentic experience with the English language by working on projects with a direct connection to their main interest, E-gaming. By nurturing the connection between the local facilitator in Seoul and the ASU Prep Digital teacher, students will have support from multiple angles.
Students will have the opportunity to showcase their learning outcomes within their own digital portfolio which will follow them throughout their experience at ASU Prep Digital. This highlight of student experience will help Gen. G students demonstrate their readiness for international study at the university level.
Students will obtain a minimum score of 105 on the Duolingo English Test to demonstrate English proficiency for entrance into international universities.
Students will take the Test of English Language Learning (TELL) before the course begins and then after to measure growth and proficiency. Students will also participate in an end of course showcase to display their language mastery and project outcomes with their teachers, families, and communities. Keywords:
ELL, English Acquisition, E-Gaming, Project Based Learning, Digital Portfolios, Authentic Learning, Student Voice and Choice.