Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 2906-2914
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.0719
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
This work aims to build a framework of pedagogical strategies for cyberseniors multipliers of knowledge in Distance Education (DE) during the COVID-19 pandemic. This need emerged from the current scenario in which the advancement of the development of digital technologies (DT) and the need for social distancing of the elderly due to the pandemic occurs. In addition, the growing use of these DTs by a portion of the elderly population is highlighted. Multipliers cyberseniors are elderly people with previous knowledge of computers in the use of computers and notebooks, in addition to other technologies such as mobile devices (smartphones and tablets). These subjects also have the need to build and share digital content on subjects of interest, becoming active, emancipated and digitally empowered. In this sense, the elderly who are interested in playing the role of sharing information and experiences already lived throughout their lives, can do so through acting as multipliers in distance education. In this way, the construction of a framework of pedagogical strategies, considering the different specificities of the elderly public, can help in the development of educational materials and distance courses. The study methodology used a qualitative approach, consisting of eleven stages of development. The target audience were elderly people aged 60 or over. Data collection was performed from participant observations, questionnaires, interviews and technological productions of the elderly in a virtual learning environment (VLE). During the research, an extension course was offered for elderly people to build workshops and act as multipliers in distance education. Thus, three types of public participated in the research. The first were 12 cyberseniors multipliers, that is, subjects who attended the training course to build workshops and, later, act as multipliers. The second was 24 cyberseniors who are the elderly students of the workshops. And finally, the third audience was 6 young adults who were interested in the themes and became students. Thus, 12 workshops with different themes were built by the elderly. To help cyberseniors in the creation of workshops and support them in acting as multipliers with a group, a reference framework of pedagogical strategies was built. This framework has more than 20 strategies that can help the elderly to become multipliers of knowledge. The data collected also made it possible to verify that the group of multipliers cyberseniors have the potential to work in distance education. It should be noted that in this research proposal, the cyberseniors multipliers developed websites and videos on topics selected according to their interest. Therefore, there is a need to expand the offer of courses for other elderly people from different parts of the world through the distance modality to experience the creation of materials such as comics, infographics, movies, podcast among others. In addition, another educational possibility is through the participation of other elderly people as students in workshops developed by the multipliers
Pedagogical strategies, elderly, COVID-19, distance education, Multipliers Cyberseniors.