Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 3861-3866
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0972
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
A teaching innovation project and its main results are explained in this work. The project aimed at engaging final-year students in the Mathematical Engineering degree program with the business world. The project focuses on the data visualization course, which is relevant to the business world and various aspects of real life due to the increasing significance of data analysis and visualization. Notable publications such as "The importance of interpretability and visualization in machine learning for applications in medicine and health care" and "The importance of data visualization in business intelligence" emphasize the importance of result visualization techniques in a data-driven world.
Visualization and interpretation of machine learning results are critical in fields like medicine and healthcare. They enable healthcare professionals to analyze complex information, identify patterns and trends, and make informed clinical decisions and the design of treatment strategies. In the business domain, data visualization plays a vital role in understanding and effectively communicating key information since it facilitates strategic decision-making and enhances the comprehension of the business landscape.
Recognizing the growing significance of data visualization is essential for students to gain practical experience by collaborating with professionals from different companies. This real-world exposure allows students to witness the application of advanced tools like PowerBI and Tableau in addressing specific business needs. Interacting with professionals empowers students to apply knowledge to real projects, comprehend the relevance and impact of visualization in specific contexts and gain a holistic and real perspective on market demands.
Four phases were defined in this project, aimed at integrating theory and practice in the classroom and the corporate setting. Firstly, students attend theoretical classes, learn about different chart types, their specific uses, and acquiring basic skills in dashboard creation using tools like PowerBI and Tableau. Secondly, students visit a company to understand the significance of data presentation for future analysis in the business domain. They also explore the various stages where data visualization plays a crucial role, such as gathering requirements from business personnel and creating data structures.
In the third phase, students collaborate with a company and receive specific requirements for designing and developing their own dashboards. Students' final submissions are evaluated by company staff based on alignment with the established requirements in terms of impact and content. This phase serves as both a practical application of theoretical knowledge and an evaluative test for the data visualization course. The competition format promotes creativity and excellence in project design.
In the last phase, students reflect on their experience, sharing their learnings, the challenges faced, and how they overcame them. Students identify areas for further development and discuss how this experience deepened their understanding of the importance of data visualization in the workplace. This phase aligns with the university's educational plan and encourages self-reflection and growth.
Data Visualization, Dashboard, Business, Decision-Making, Competition, Experiential learning.