1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid (SPAIN)
2 Universität Paderborn (GERMANY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 2021-2028
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0567
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
This project outlines a collection of tools and activities designed for implementation in the "Introduction to Physics"; course offered as part of the Optics and Optometry degree program. This elective course is specifically tailored to students who typically possess a limited background in Physics.

Moreover, it is noteworthy that the challenges historically encountered by us mirror those found in other Health Sciences degrees. Typically, the incorporation of Physics curricula in the initial years of these disciplines presents a formidable hurdle for students who may lack substantial enthusiasm for these subjects. Additionally, these students often find themselves part of instructional cohorts characterized by significant disparities in their level in Physics and Mathematics concepts.

Our objective is to depart from conventional pedagogical approaches associated with Physics. To enhance the assimilation of pivotal physical concepts, we developed a series of interactive videos. These videos incorporate questions directed at students, facilitating a progressive learning of relevant aspects through the integration of visual aids and experiential examples.

Aligned with the inverted classroom philosophy, a series of problems is presented, the resolution of which is guided during in-person sessions in small groups, fostering collaboration and cultivating critical thinking. Concurrently, a set of practical activities, designed for in-class execution by students, is formulated with minimal guidance. Grounded in an open and participatory framework, these activities employ simple materials, encouraging student initiative and engagement. Departing from the conventional paradigm of Physics teaching laboratories, characterized by intricate experiments and rigid scripts, this approach mitigates demotivating factors frequently encountered by students.

To facilitate ongoing assessment and gauge both the initial status and progressive development of students throughout the course, real-time tools are devised for implementation within Virtual Campus environment. These tools comprise questionnaires, wherein instructors administer concise evaluations, and students provide their perspectives and suggestions to instructors.

Despite the initially specialized focus of this project, which is centered on a specific field, we think that the derived elements possess potential for widespread dissemination. This potential is realized through various practical tasks:
1. The developed materials and tools, addressing Physics content offered in Health Sciences degrees, can be readily adapted for implementation elsewhere.
2. Given the substantial overlap in content between these subjects and the final year of high school, the proposed methodology is easily transferrable to secondary education.
3. The evolving practices may serve as foundational components for educational kits with marketable potential.
4. As a global objective, a comprehensive documentation of the developed tools is envisioned for potential publication as a book, contributing to the broader discourse on innovative pedagogical approaches in Physics education.
Physics, Health Sciences, innovative teaching, flipped classroom.