Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Academic performance of students of superior educational institutions could be affected by several factors like personal, laboral or even, those related with the institution. An institution could be affected also by several factors, like internal policies, if it is a public institution, government decisions, budgets and others.
It is common than laboral factors like strikes, affect the behavior of an institution, in this case, it is considered as an internal issue for the institution, but an external one for students because the strike was related to workers, not students.
Mexican institution Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM) in 2019 suffered the longest strike in its history, about 93 days, which considering the scholar calendar of the institution represents a complete scholar period (almost three months).
Scholar periods at UAM are composed of 12 weeks, the strike began at the beginning of the 2nd week and in that moment the activities were stopped. After the strike has ended, the activities were retaken in the same 2nd week, considering the time passed, was used a week for reviewing the topics that already have been covered so the effect of the time passed over the students was reduced.
The scholar period ended but the effect of this kind of factors must be studied, so for future similar situations, this can be considered for authorities.
This work presents a statistical analysis of the effect of a strike in the students, for this were considered students of 10 engineering plans offered at UAM in its Azcapotzalco campos (UAM-A), the analysis considered the academic performance, amount of students per course, total of approved and not approved ones, for the most demanded and complicated courses which are common for all students. These courses are related to the Mathematics topic, considering three courses, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Differential Equations.
There were analyzed not only the results of the scholar period that was directly affected by the strike, but also one year before and two scholar periods after for comparing the performance between them and determining if there was an effect in the performance and also if this effect was presented in only the strike’s scholar period or if its influence lasted more than one.Keywords:
Academic issues, effect of external factors in education, scholar strikes, strikes’ effects on students.