Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 6242-6249
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.1652
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
The design of accessible digital educational resources has been challenging considering the identification of the scope of the digital artifact itself and the skills demanded by the development teams. However, for students with different abilities, digital resources can both enhance education and present accessibility barriers (CHEN AND LIOU, 2014). The first language that a deaf person learns and that accompanies him throughout his school development is sign language. The communication of deaf people has gone through a historical process of failures, as the gestural and oral modals were seen as opposites, with one or the other prevailing. The challenges faced by this model culminated in the bilingual philosophy. Bilingualism refers to the acquisition and use of two languages, in the case of deaf people, the first language is Sign Language, their mother tongue, and the second language is the one used in their country, in written form (PERLIN, 2012; QUADROS, 2008; GESSER, 2009). Bilingual education goes beyond language issues, representing political, cultural and social issues of the deaf community. According to Quixaba (2017), digital educational resources tend to enrich the educational environment of the deaf, by exploring the visual field they can enhance the learning process. It is essential to create a conductive environment to learning and for this the use of technology is favorable, taking into account the diversity of resources it makes available and its popularization. Thus, based on the above, the present research sough, from the scope of design, to develop guidelines for the design of bilingual educational resources, considering the Brazilian context in which Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) is the first language and Portuguese, the second. Therefore, a qualitative and propositional methodological approach was adopted in order to reach the objective. After carrying out the bibliographic reviews on information design, interface design and accessibility for the deaf public, the research procedures aimed at the development and application of recommendations in the design of an educational resource and, finally, the evaluation of the resources and adjustments of the recommendations. The results were built considering the principles of information design (PETTERSSON, 2012).

These were organized into five main perspectives:
1) Scope and domain area of the resources,
2) Choice of technologies for the design and reproduction of the resources,
3) Translation,
4) Media design and
5) Evaluation and testing.

The recommendations are detailed in the final version of the article. The recommendations proved to be adequate. However, it should be noted that it is important to provide the student with controlling ways to view the content, giving greater autonomy and also allowing them to understand all the content without cognitive overload. Therefore, ways must be provided to allow the user to view the content separately, in which there are intervals between the display of content in Sign Language and in Portuguese. It is also essential to provide the deaf person with a context of belonging, seeking to bring people who are known within the deaf culture to the interpretation resources. It is important to make the deaf community part of the process and creation of bilingual educational resources.
Bilingual Educational Resources, Design, Brazilian Sign Language and Portuguese.