Universidad de Jaén (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2015 Proceedings
Publication year: 2015
Page: 5220 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2015
Location: Madrid, Spain
This paper describes the experience of teaching innovation that has made throughout the academic year 2011/2012 in the subjects Power Plants, Air-conditioning and Analog electronics. These courses are taught in the School of Industrial Engineering at the University of Jaén. The results are very satisfactory, it is remarkable mainly the change of attitude in students, which shows more interest in the subject.

The work consists of two distinct parts. The first based on the design of automatic data acquisition, monitoring variables such as temperature, humidity, flow, pressure etc. The second part focuses on the use of assessment tools on-line in order to assess the level of learning that students have achieved. The objective is to estimate the influence it has had the development of such applications on student learning for this purpose in the academic year 2011/12. The students were divided into two groups, one of 30 volunteer students, who used the tools developed and another, the rest of the class, who followed the traditional method. Subsequently both groups performed an on-line assessment. This has been done the last two years. We compared the results of the 2010/11 academic year in which fully followed the classic method of teaching with the results of the 2011/12 academic year, as already explained, consists of two groups, one followed the traditional method and the other the use of new applications. Finally, we present the views that students have of this new methodology and the results obtained in on-line assessments by both methods, the traditional method and use of new technologies.
Data acquisition, engineering education, competences.