2 Surgut State University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 7995-7999
ISBN: 978-84-09-08619-1
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.1980
Conference name: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 11-13 March, 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain
The paper aims at demonstrating the possibilities for using a frame-based analysis (framing) in destroying negative stereotypes among students. The research material is metaphoric expressions taken from Soviet soldiers’ letters written from Germany during World War II. The employment of this method in the educational process enables students to understand the way conceptual metaphors represent traditional stereotypes of one nation about another.

The history of metaphor research has witnessed various views on its nature. Within cognitive sciences, the metaphor is considered firstly, as a means of the world conceptualization and categorization, influenced by national, social and personal consciousness, and secondly, as a network within which nodes are interrelated in various ways [Lakoff, Johnson, Baranov, Karaulov; Sklyarevskaya et al.].

In this presentation, we shall demonstrate the frame-based analysis of the conceptual metaphor “The Enemy is an Animal” as one of the prominent models reflecting the attitude of Soviet soldiers to German soldiers during World War II. According to the conceptual metaphor theory, the metaphoric model is the relationship between the conceptual spheres in which the system of frames (slots, concepts) of one sphere (the source domain) is a basis for modeling the conceptual system of another sphere (the target domain). Thus, within the framework of the metaphorical model “The Enemy is an Animal” the following frames have been identified: the structure of the animal world, groups of animals and the hierarchy within them, actions of animals, treatment of animals, handling of animals, animal body parts, animal’s habitats. Each frame consists of a corresponding set of slots that give detailed attributes of the concept under study.

Students should grasp the idea that a metaphoric model is a link between two domains that can be represented in the formula: “X is a (n) Y”. To describe it, one has to analyze source and target domains, constituent frames and their typical slots.

The authors of this presentation focus on a number of additional aspects essential for teaching students to understand the essence of the metaphoric model and the way it functions. Firstly, the way the conceptual metaphor description plan is composed. Secondly, the frame system of the metaphoric model. Thirdly, what stereotypes this metaphor activates. In our case, the frame based analysis reveals what stereotypes of Russian soldiers about German soldiers are reflected in the metaphorical model mentioned above.

The problem stated in the paper requires cognitive science methodology, which assumes that in the process of the cognitive research we pass from the content of the meanings to the content of the concepts. As a linguodidactic method there was used a questionnaire survey conducted among the students.

In this study, we come to the conclusion that the use of frame based analysis can be a powerful tool of metaphor investigation and studying due to the importance of the metaphor in man’s cognitive activity.

Alongside this, awareness of the cognitive mechanisms, underlying our perception of reality, helps students to form a critical attitude to negative national stereotypes of other nations and cultures.
Framing, conceptual metaphor, metaphoric modeling, teaching methods, destroying stereotypes.