IIS "Biagio Pascal" di Roma (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8109-8115
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2069
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Bullying is a complex phenomenon which has been investigated and discussed by global organizations and policies over the years. This theme has shown to have important social and educational implications, and this is why many researchers have been interested in investigating the characteristics and strategies that can help to counteract its development, as well as those useful for reducing its effects on the psycho-physical states of the people involved (Olweus, 1996; Menesini, 2000; Lawson, 2001; Patrizi & Biasi, 2017; Zych et al., 2019).
In this scenario, the development of the web – although it has made it possible to amplify cognitive and communicative opportunities both for personal and educational purposes – has at the same time increased the possibilities for bullies to identify and hit their targets. Due to the methods of harassment that it allows to implement, even the phenomenon of online bullying – or cyberbullying – has been studied and discussed by experts of the educational and psychological fields (Kowalski et al., 2014; Peter & Petermann, 2018; Ansary, 2020; Guarini & Brighi, 2022).
In educational contexts, the commitment to prevent and contrast phenomena of this type is now shared. An active, problem-based and collaborative instructional approach has appeared to be effective in favoring the establishment of positive relationships between peers and the development of a more open and flexible disposition towards others (Bartkus, 2001; Genta, 2017; Sabec et al., 2020; Curione & Manobianca, 2022).
Starting from the study of literature and considering the emerging need for young people to reflect on these issues, the paper explores a study conducted in an Italian secondary school.
The study was useful to deepen a teaching experience relating to the contrast of bullying among young people and to reflect on the effectiveness of an active teaching approach in promoting positive student outcomes.
The study involved 68 students attending three first year classes of a Technical Institute. What was proposed to them about cyberbullying was a part of a wider formative path aimed at promoting the development of students’ leadership skills, linked to the school’s aim in encouraging their positive outcomes at personal and social level.
The path offered to the students included activities for 8-hour, during which to develop a small group work with a problem-based approach. In addition to deepening the theoretical aspects of the topic, they were asked to simulate the resolution of a case (real or imaginary) and to identify a slogan against cyberbullying.
The groups were introduced to the path through face-to-face activities and then they could interact outside school hours. Students were left autonomous to organize and conduct the activities and they had two teachers at their disposal for clarifications and intermediate feedback.
What emerged confirms the effectiveness of a collaborative and problem-based approach in promoting greater openness to others and greater awareness of the topics deepened in school activities. The students involved in the study obtained good results in the group-work and appeared to be more aware of how much cyberbullying is a critical phenomenon and how it needs to be countered. The feedback returned by students on this type of activity was also positive.
Active education, Cyberbullying, Instructional design, Problem-based learning, Secondary school.