1 Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University (KAZAKHSTAN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 159-166
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0098
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The necessity of developing a digital educational environment for training a future teacher in modern socio-economic conditions is substantiated. The process of teaching in digital format pedagogical and methodological disciplines for training bachelors of pedagogical education in the field of "chemistry" is analyzed.

The characteristics of the concepts "educational environment", "digital educational environment", "digital learning" are given. The principles of building a digital educational environment and the psychological and pedagogical foundations of its design are revealed.

The analysis of the digital educational environment of universities in a number of countries has been carried out. Various approaches to the formation of a digital educational environment have been identified. Some universities are creating online courses that are hosted on well-known platforms in virtual learning environments. Other universities manage digital learning through different applications. Some educational institutions provide a digital learning environment in a centralized manner, while others practice a distributed or mixed format. Most universities are in the process of actively introducing digital learning in various forms. A number of universities have achieved great results and are confidently leading in the formation of a digital educational environment.

It was found that in Russian chemical and pedagogical education, the emphasis is on the introduction of a high-quality and safe digital educational environment, which is an addition to traditional learning through web resources and educational platforms. The main task of all universities using such a learning environment is to provide students with safe access to electronic information resources, digital educational resources, electronic library systems and services related to the learning process. Each of the universities reviewed implements digital education for future chemistry teachers differently.

The process of developing a digital educational resource as an important element of the digital educational environment of the university is presented on the example of the author's digital courses "Didactics of Chemistry", "Methodology for Solving Problems in School Chemistry", "International Education Systems", "Fundamentals of Gender Pedagogy" and others. Each digital resource contains at least five modules. Each module includes course elements and resources such as "book", "file", "glossary", "assignment", "test", "forum", "chat". The mastering by students - future teachers of most of the modules involves the implementation of a creative project, assignments for independent work, intermediate and final testing.

Questionnaires of 1-4 year students of the pedagogical direction, as well as young and experienced teachers showed that despite some difficulties of the digital distance during the lockdown period, there are positive aspects in digital learning. At the same time, many noted that with this format of teaching, motivation and self-discipline of both teachers and students suffer. The digital educational environment, in their opinion, only partially improves the quality of education. Most of the respondents were inclined to believe that only half of the disciplines of the curriculum for training future chemistry teachers should be supported by digital educational resources.
Digital educational environment, digital learning, teacher training, digital educational resource.