Conservatory of Mallorca (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in:
INTED2009 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 2909-2914
ISBN: 978-84-612-7578-6
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 3rd International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 9-11 March, 2009
Location: Valencia, Spain
Due to the Bologna Process, higher education systems are currently undergoing reforms in many European countries. Thus, the Spanish universities are presently adapting their degrees to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), after an intense debate in the last decade. On the other hand, the Higher Music Education in Spain, generally foreign to this process, could benefit from their inclusion in the EHEA, given the new perspectives opened after the approval of the Organic Law of Education (OLE).
In the following article we propose a wide range of teaching modalities adapted to the subject “Viola Didactics” into the context of the Viola Pedagogy degree. This proposal is in line with a new approach to the teaching – learning process, and means a better use of time and educational resources. As we have stated in previous publications, our aim is to contribute towards generating the long-awaited debate related to Higher Music Education in Spain, after the new consideration that the current educational legislation grants to them.
[1] Decreto 132/2001, de 26 de julio, por el que se establece el currículo del grado superior de música en la Comunidad Valenciana y el acceso a dichas enseñanzas. (DOGV no. 4064, 14 August, 2001).
[2] Real Decreto 1125/2003, de 5 de septiembre, por el que se establece el sistema europeo de créditos y el sistema de calificaciones en las titulaciones universitarias de carácter oficial y validez en todo el territorio nacional. (BOE no. 224, 18 September, 2003).
[3] De Miguel, M. (Dir.). (2006). Modalidades de enseñanza centradas en el desarrollo de competencias. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo. ISBN 978-84-8317-555-2
[4] Gil, V. (2007). L’ensenyament superior de música en el context de l’EEES: l’oportunitat que no podem perdre. II Jornades en Xarxa sobre l’EEES. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. ISBN: 978-84-691-0147-6. http://www.uoc.edu/symposia/eees2007/files/P_c_vicente_gil.pdf
[5] Gil, V. (2008). The syllabus: starting point for the concretion of a new degree in music adapted to the EHEA. Electronic Journal of Music in Education, no. 21. ISSN: 1575-9563. http://musica.rediris.es/leeme/revista/gil.pdf
[6] Gil, V. (2008). Los estudios superiores de música en España ante la convergencia europea: propuesta de adaptación y concreción de la guía docente. Jornada Nacional de Estudios Universitarios. Castelló de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I. ISBN: 978-84-8021-679-1
ehea, ects, teaching modalities, music, viola.