Mykolas Romeris University (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 1401-1407
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0456
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Intercultural education in the aspects of inclusion and education of students with special educational needs is one of the biggest challenges of the education system. The increasing diversity observed in today's society, including ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and so on, encourages reflection and analysis of new experiences in the organization of education and training in schools. The mentioned challenges are particularly evident in the context of current geopolitical events.

In scientific literature, it is possible to find many different research studies that would analyze individual aspects of intercultural or inclusive education. Research conducted in individual countries, presenting existing or developing practices in specific countries, draws attention to the need to take a closer look at the issue of intercultural education in the context of inclusion, not only in the context of cultural diversity, but also in the context of special education.

This issue is particularly relevant in the context of Lithuania at the moment for several reasons: from 2022, after Russia attacked Ukraine, 26,679 children joined Lithuanian educational institutions; from 2024 September 1, the strategic provisions of the Law on Education will officially come into force in Lithuania and a wide-ranging inclusive education will be implemented.

Taking into account the above-mentioned circumstances, the scientific problem is examined - what are the possibilities of inclusion of intercultural education, from the point of view of the education of students with special educational needs? In order to present a specific educational institution operating in Lithuania, which educates children of different nationalities (citizens of Lithuania, war refugees from Ukraine, and political refugees from Belarus), the possibilities of intercultural education, inclusiveness, the experience of special needs students from the point of view of students, a qualitative study was conducted based on methodological provisions being applied to the case study strategy. Empirical data was collected using the semi-structured interview method, and the analysis of empirical data was carried out in accordance with the methodological provisions of the analysis.

The analysis of the empirical research data showed that in the intercultural environment, the cultural, religious, social, economic and political environment are the dynamic "differences", and the common basis is the internal readiness and openness to solve these differences through dialogue. The focus here is not on agreement or "finding the truth", but on understanding different points of view, active and respectful listening, and commitment to human rights and social action.

The research data revealed an important circumstance - intercultural education should be based on the principle of inclusive education, i.e. to aim for all students to be able to learn together with their peers. In the implementation of inclusive education, the general national and school culture is extremely important. An inclusive school culture includes building a community where every member of the community feels accepted and important, students help each other, an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect prevails, there exists school-parent partnership, school and educational administrators collaborate, and the local community is involved in school life, and fostering the values of inclusive education.
Intercultural education; inclusive education; children with special educational needs; refugees; social justice, case study strategy.