Vytautas Magnus University (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 9737-9744
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2532
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
21st century challenges and opportunities in our society are gaining momentum. Further, the European Commission defines the concept of the social dimension as a variety of policies in the social field, including the labor market, labor law, occupational safety, social rights of migrant workers, equality between women and men, etc. In other words, the dimension of adult social skills is a broad policy of social capital. Therefore, the development of adult competencies takes on an even more important role due to the diminishing social capital, where trusting relationships are critically important. The creation of organizational culture also closely related to the processes of employees' social skills development in the organization. The social skills of adults in the organization are inseparable from everyday communication and flexible relationships.
Theoretical framework consists of 3 soft skills development dimensions. Leadership motivation dimension – leadership is extremely important in a rapidly changing environment. It consists of various competencies including soft skills and values. Self-confidence dimension represents adult ability that empowers to be entrepreneurial, and take ownership of careers, be able to strengthen existing skills and acquire new ones. Furthermore, emotional intelligence dimension can help a person achieve well-being, live a healthier, happier, fulfilling life. Adults whose emotional well-being ensured have the ability to actively participate in work activities, establish meaningful relationships with other people, and experience more emotions that are positive.
In order to develop social skills among interest groups in organizations, it is necessary to gather adults in activities, involving and activating participation.
This paper will present: what social skills influence the creation of a sustainable organization? What are the assumptions to develop social skills in the organization?
The aim of this paper is to reveal the relations between adult social skills development and sustainable organization culture.

A qualitative method with focus group discussion constructed to conduct the research. Two focus groups of (11) managers selected as informants. The sample of the research was composed of (7) middle managers and (4) senior managers of Lithuanian Railways who met the criteria for the research.
The results of research showed that all three dimensions are important to create a sustainable organization. Furthermore, the vast majority of research informants had unclear motivation. Important to note, that female informants had a significantly lower motivation to lead. Also, the vast majority of research informants did not have a strong sense of self-confidence, and all informants lack emotional intelligence competencies and sometimes find it difficult to express their own emotions and accept the emotions of others.

In conclusion, there is no unified conception of leadership and social skills development in the organization. To create an effective adult education environment for the managers, it is important to solve the challenges, which identified during this research. Further, the assumptions to develop social skills, would require a review of the organization’s strategy, objectives, and organizational structure, matrix of authority and responsibility, and learning and development strategy.
Adult education, social skills, soft skills, sustainable organization, organizational culture.