1 University of the Balearic Islands (SPAIN)
2 Hospital Universitari Son Espases (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 6957 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1824
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Virtual Reality (VR) is defined as "that technology that enables the user, through the use of a VR viewer, to immerse themselves in three-dimensional scenarios in the first person and in 360 degrees". Currently, smartphones integrated into a viewer, such as VR glasses, allow us to teleport to other real or virtual environments. This innovation tool has proven to be very useful in the educational field. Since it facilitates constructivist learning, providing other learning alternatives. In addition to the collaboration between the students above the physical environment, it increases their motivation.
This article provides practical methods and recommendations for producing immersive 360-degree videos in an intensive care unit (ICU) environment for third-year nursing undergraduates. The difficulty of these students to put themselves in a situation in physical environments that they have never visited, such as ICUs, is a challenge for teachers. Among the competencies that the nursing student must acquire is the planning of nursing care for patients who are in critical condition. To do this, students must make a good assessment of the needs of these patients who are most often dependent, since they are sedated, monitored, connected to the respirator and other devices.
The general objective of this work is to carry out an immersion of the students of the third year of the nursing degree in a virtual environment of an ICU, through a 360º video and Virtual Reality (VR) glasses. The following specific objectives stand out: 1) to improve the clinical evaluation capacity of the students; 2) evaluate their degree of attendance and satisfaction that students have with VR.
The Methods used for this study are: The online sense of presence questionnaire developed by Slater-Usoh-Steed and a user satisfaction questionnaire adapted to virtual reality environments.
A total of 111 students completed the questionnaire. 67.6% of the students had a feeling of being in an ICU, despite the fact that 66.7% (62/93) of them had no previous experience in these units. 45.9% of the students indicated that the environment was the reality for them. For 66.6% of the students, the scenario shown seemed to them to be more like an image seen than somewhere they visited.
The results of this pilot study are: students were satisfied with the use of VR, with scores above 4 in all dimensions. The results for each dimension of the scale (technology profile and implementation) are described below. Regarding the technological/social profile of the students, their degree of interest in technological advances stands out, with a mean score of 3.86±1.15 points out of 5. Smartphone technology is the most widely used technology by students (85.6%) and the one they most frequently used for accessing the internet, followed by computers (58.6%).
Regarding the evaluation of the technological implementation of VR, 61.3% (n=68) of students responded that they had had no previous experience with VR, while 38.7% (n=43) stated that they had used it at least once before. Furthermore, 94.6% (n=105) stated that VR could be useful for their studies, and overall student satisfaction with the VR software was high.
In our opinion the Virtual reality has facilitated the immersion of students in an unknown environment such as critical care units, resulting in satisfaction and motivation.
Virtual reality, nursing education, intensive care, SUS, Presence.