Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 5151-5155
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1264
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
In Colombia, the level of social decomposition generated by violence has been increasing in recent decades, reaching the classrooms of educational institutions, without distinction of level, character or modality, presenting a bleak and worrying panorama. Efforts made by educational entities to reduce the level of aggression, such as "peaceful classrooms" or "citizen competitions", seek to impact the aggressiveness that occurs in childhood and adolescence, so that this does not become a behavior in adulthood, generating a cycle of greater violence that becomes a spiral that is difficult to address. In that sense, some of the bets considered in Colombia for the construction of peace are Law 1620 of 2013 or Law of Coexistence, Law 1732 of 2014 by which the Chair of Peace is established, and Decree 1038 of 2015 that regulates the Chair of Peace. These norms constitute a regulatory framework where intentions aimed at building a culture of peace in the territories are systematized, from the school and social setting, thus, among the purposes of the Chair of Peace, it is considered that educational settings must be permeated by a culture of peace, which promotes healthy coexistence and the development of values ​​in accordance with the needs of the territory. In this dynamic, taking into account the developments that the implementation of the Chair of Peace has had in the country and the importance that these be valued to critically review the scope of this state educational commitment, this paper presents the results of the research Impact of the Peace Chair in the construction of peace and citizenship in the Absalón Torres Camacho Educational Institution, main headquarters, in the municipality of Florida, located in the Valle del Cauca department – ​​Colombia. This study was framed in the interpretive paradigm and qualitative approach, from a hermeneutic and phenomenological perspective, with a descriptive scope and a design framed in action research. To achieve this, documentary review and group interviews were implemented as information collection techniques. The data collected was recorded, systematized, coded and analyzed based on the categories that were operationalized. The analysis of the results showed that, in the institution, multiple attempts have been made to implement the peace class, which shows the intention to comply with the school's standard and commitment, but these have had a low scope because they have been developed from the area of ​​social sciences, without promoting interdisciplinary academic work between the different areas of the institutional study plan to strengthen the study of the internal armed conflict that the country has had; the development of actions leading to the reconstruction of the social fabric and the learning of values ​​that promote a culture of peace in the territory. It is concluded that, although the institution has implemented the Chair of Peace and this is pertinent taking into account the problems of violence and security that arise in the territory, its scope has not been significant, so it is advisable to convene the educational community in the construction of a proposal for a Chair of Peace with the participation of all actors (teachers, students, guardians and administrators), the interdisciplinary articulation of the areas in addressing the issues and dissemination in the territory in compliance with the social responsibility that the institution has.
Peace, training, critical thinking, peaceful coexistence, education.