University of Seville (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 7261-7264
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1896
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Descriptive statistics is a fundamental branch of biostatistics and it is essential in research, and it is used to summarize and describe data in a meaningful way. However, teaching descriptive statistics can be challenging, as it requires students to have a good understanding of basic statistical concepts and mathematical skills. In addition, this challenge is even greater when they are first-year students in a health sciences degree program, with diverse curricular backgrounds and heterogeneous knowledge of statistics. Moreover, traditional teaching methods that rely on lectures and textbooks may not be effective in engaging students or helping them develop a practical understanding of the subject. This paper proposes a new methodology for teaching descriptive statistics based on the collection and analysis of anthropometric data using two apps, and the creation of a database with the data.

The proposed methodology involves the description of the anthropometric measure of the class use of two apps, which are designed by Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia to collect anthropometric data from individuals. The first app, called '3D avatar feet,' is designed to measure a model 3D of feet and measure of foot length (mm), ball girth (mm) Ball width and instep girth (mm). The second app, called '3D avatar,' is designed to create a 3D model of the entire body and different anthropometric measures. The apps are freely available and can be downloaded from the app store. The apps are user-friendly and provide instructions on how to use them.
The methodology involves the following steps:

Step 1: Introduction to descriptive statistics
The first step in teaching descriptive statistics is to introduce students to basic statistical concepts. This was done, including jove video in the e-learning platform of the course. In class, we discuss about the content of the video and how they learn.

Step 2: Data collection using the 3D avatar feet and 3D avatar body.
The second step involves the collection of anthropometric data from individuals using the 3D avatar feet and the 3D avatar body app. We are starting the measure in class, and each student must collect at least 3 measures of each parameter and evaluated the variability. The collected data obtained were used for analysis in later steps.

Step 3: Create a database.
Once the data are in, it needs to be organized into a structured format so that it can be easily analyzed. This was done by creating a survey in Microsoft Form available in the e-learning platform in which each student introduced their own measures.

Step 4: Introduction to analysis software
The analysis software Jamovi was introduced. Jamovi is a free, open-source statistical analysis software that can be used to analyze data from various sources. It provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to perform various statistical analyses.

Step 5: Analysis of database
The fifth step involves analyzing the database that was created in Step 3 using the analysis software introduced in Step 4. By groups of five students, they analyzed two different variables from the total database.

Step 6: Report and conclusions.
The final step involves, each group present a report and conclusion about their two variables about the representativeness of the analized measured.
Descriptive Statistics, mobile app, statistical analysis.