University of Zaragoza (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in:
EDULEARN14 Proceedings
Publication year: 2014
Pages: 3999-4005
ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 7-9 July, 2014
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Maturity models are usually understood as approaches to improving the business process management (BPM) of any organization, or, from a global system-wide perspective, the organizational processes. In fact, in the identification of relevant literature about this topic we can find, primarily, BPM literature.
The rationale behind the concept of maturity is that mature organizations do things systematically while immature organizations achieve their outcomes as a result of considerable efforts of individuals using approaches that they create more or less spontaneously. Currently, maturity models are indissolubily linked with the Process Maturity Models, as conceptual models that compares the maturity of organization current practices against an industry standard, in this case, the Education Sector. These models help any organization to set priorities for improving its product/service operations, in search of optimum levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
A Maturity model usually includes a sequence of levels that form an anticipated, desired, or logical path from an initial state to maturity. An organization’s current maturity level represents the progress on improving effectiveness and efficiency while striving for innovation, flexibility, and integration with technology.
On the other hand, Excellence Models provide an holistic view of the organisation and it can be used to determine how these different methods fit together and complement each other. Any Excellence Model can therefore be used in conjunction with any number of these tools, including BPM, based on the needs and function of the organisation, as an overarching framework for developing sustainable excellence. In fact, one of the eight fundamental concepts of EFQM Excellence Model is "Managing with agility", principle based on that excellent organizations are managed through structured and strategically aligned processes using fact-based decision making to create balanced and sustained results.
The structure of Excellence Models -in the specific case of the EFQM Excellence Model- includes a set of three integrated components (Fundamental Concepts of Excellence, Model Criteria and RADAR Logic) that allows to introduce a much broader concept about maturity not only in processes but in the management.
The present paper describes a new point of view of the concept of maturity model, introducing, through excellence principles, new evaluation elements beyond the concept of process, particularly in the Education Sector.Keywords:
Excellence Models in Education, Quality Standards, Quality Management in Education, Educational Policies.