Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 5465 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1433
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
The Classroom Ciberimaginario environment has been developed to generate a digital space that houses different contents and open educational practices (OEP) that allow students of different degrees and subjects to benefit from learning experiences that expand and complement their knowledge, deepening them and approaching specific professional realities. The same environment will provide teachers participating in the innovation action, with the possibility of creating collaborative content, with a wide range of applicability in the classroom.Classroom Ciberimaginario is a space created through the Moodle LMS. The environment has been developed under the paradigm of open knowledge and seeks to be a flexible and comfortable space that allows easy content creation for participating teachers. As for the creation of the contents, they can be created either through Moodle resources or with those applications that best adapt to the way of working of each teacher. In any case, applications that facilitate the publication of content must be used both in this open space and in the reference subjects, as well as in open repositories, such as Rey Juan Carlos University. The Educational Innovation Project includes the realization of two surveys for the students of each subject.

The methodological process will be articulated around the collection of information from the participating students, through two surveys, one initial and one final, which will be configured in the FORMS tool, offered by Office 365, with institutional access from the Rey Juan Carlos University. The processing of the survey data will be carried out through the excel document that allows FORMS to export with the results, not collecting at any time the personal data of the students, nor making storage or treatment of these. The Educational Innovation Project establishes a series of specific objectives, which incorporate actions and indicators of achievement. These indicators of achievement will present a concrete progression as the project executes its development. For the measurement of its achievement, three states have been defined: Planned, In Process, and Completed. Collection instruments, will later be analyzed and several tools will be used. On the one hand, the initial survey, which will allow us to know the perception of the students regarding open knowledge, and the main expectations of use and improvement of learning, and on the other, the final survey, which will provide the data verifiable with the information received at the beginning of the semester. Within the collection of previous data, the Internal Quality Assurance System will also be used to take the information related to the subjects involved during the 2021/22 academic year. As a final collection instrument for the preparation of the subject reports, the final act will provide information regarding the passing rate and the presentation fee. Once the second semester is over, the work of collecting information will end, proceeding to the analysis of this, and trying to detect the real impact of the use of open content in the classroom, and if there has been an improvement in academic results thanks to such use. Similarly, it will try to identify if there has been a change in the opinion or expectations that students raised at the beginning of the action regarding the usefulness or practicality of using open content as tools to improve their learning.
Open knowledge, moodle, higher education, educational quality, open resources.