Universidad de Córdoba, Centro para la Divulgación del Conocimiento Universitario (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 10924-10928
ISBN: 978-84-09-14755-7
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2019.2685
Conference name: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 11-13 November, 2019
Location: Seville, Spain
In recent decades there is a clear tendency towards a reevaluation of the social benefits of lifelong learning, and more specifically, of the importance of adult participation in education. All current proposals, reports and regulations, whether on a national or intergovernmental level, unanimously point to the need for promoting the development of knowledge societies. Nevertheless, a mere glance at real-life conditions demonstrates that we are still a long way from achieving the goals proposed.

In a globalized and technologically driven society, which perceives education as a private privilege aiming at satisfying production demand, the search for a humanist approach to learning emerges as a necessity. The involvement of the various entities that are engaged in educational processes and their constant and direct interaction with the society are the indispensable components of a transition to a genuine learning culture.

This paper proposes to reflect on lifelong education in a Spanish context, as well as present the contribution of an innovative teaching project intended at bringing the scientific knowledge produced at universities and research centers closer to the society as a whole, namely, the cultural and educational Association ‘Centro para la Divulgación del Conocimiento Uiversitario’ (henceforth, CDCU). Aiming at contributing to the development and propagation of lifelong learning, the activities of CDCU are based on the following four courses of action:

'La Universidad a tu alcance' (‘University within your reach’) has as its objective the dissemination of the scientific knowledge produced at Universities and Research Centers to the society. To this end, CDCU organizes teaching programs of diverse formats (courses, seminars, conferences, and cultural activities and trips among others), focused on the diffusion of cultural, scientific and technical content and directed at an adult public. We prioritize the accessibility to the culture of science through the establishment of a variety of teaching typologies and methodologies and the creation of a network of spaces of knowledge.

Teaching innovation: the Center presents itself as an innovative project, a place to develop and apply novel teaching methods which facilitate adult learning. CDCU is currently in the process of formalizing a collaboration agreement with the Master in Teaching Innovation ‘Laboratorio de la Nueva Educación’ of the University Carlos III.

Research and spread of knowledge: the Center promotes the development of scientific research in the field Humanities and facilitates the diffusion of the results obtained by the research projects and consolidated through the running of dissemination activities. Similarly, CDCU presents the results of its contributions in scientific congresses such as the present one.

Forum for reflection and debate over lifelong learning: one should emphasize the creation of a forum designed to analyze the main breakthroughs in educational material. In a series of seminars, participants present and comment on texts related to adult education (from intergovernmental reports and proposals to the Spanish regulatory framework). During these sessions, the debate is centered on the social and personal outreach of lifelong learning.
Lifelong learning, adult education, university.