Consorzio For.Com. - Formazione per la Comunicazione (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2010 Proceedings
Publication year: 2010
Pages: 433-438
ISBN: 978-84-614-2439-9
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 3rd International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 15-17 November, 2010
Location: Madrid, Spain
Reform of the Common Market Organisation for Wine (Council Reg. 479/2008),in force since August 2008,fixed new strategic objectives to increase competitiveness of the EU’s wine producers, strengthen reputation of EU quality wine, recover old markets while preserving the best traditions of EU wine production.This context evolution allow for new job opportunities in the wine sector.
In response to this challenge,the E-WINE project aims at offering concrete answers to the lack of a common European vocational training model in the wine sector,developing an innovative learning course in a traditional field, based to the specific needs of winemaking labour markets and responding to growing demand for this professional figure.
E-WINE “European Wine INnovative E-learning” is a 2-year project funded by the Leonardo da Vinci Programme which exploits the results achieved in the framework of TALAS,a previous LdV project, maintaining the benefits recognised and highlighted by the TALAS target group, while advancing some functionalities.
The “Cellarman” Course is delivered by e-learning and m-learning platform and is experimented by a “European target group” coming from each partner country.
As for the TALAS project, both the e-learning and m-learning platform host a community area to promote cooperative learning and a training area to foster personalised learning.
The following improvements are pursued:
-The e-learning and m-learning platforms are implemented using open source software, promoting access and reducing costs;
-The e-learning and m-learning platforms are combined with one single comprehensive database (back-office) able to track both the e-learning and the m-learning path, so that the monitoring of trainees and the statistical analysis is easily carried out;
-The access to the m-learning platform is possible through a greater variety of devices, less expensive and with low technical requirements, ensuring a wider access and expanding the potential number of users.
The project runs for 24 months and its activities are carried out by a diversified and complementary ensemble of 9 partners from 4 countries (Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria,Cyprus) including all kinds of actors (HEIs, SMEs and services companies, local and national authorities) to guarantee quality, usability, adequacy and sustainability of Project results.
Consortium structure is designed around the central role of FOR.COM, Inter-University Consortium in Rome, who developed original TALAS Project, and the participation of NTA and SOPHIA from Italy,Hungarian Pecs University and Euroformazione, Bulgarian Agriculture Advisory Service and Business Value, Cypriot SME Talos and Provincia di Roma as associated partner.The Project workplan is articulated into 6 phases.Three of them concern the main cross-cutting actions:project management, dissemination and exploitation, evaluation and monitoring.The other three phases implement the activities for the achievement of main project objectives: technology transfer and adaptation, definition and development of didactic content, Course delivery. Each phase is coordinated by Partners with high representative expertise and the scheduled activities will be carried out involving the Partners with specific capacities for the achievement of each WP objectives.
Long-term E-WINE goal is to stimulate increased and more creative cooperation among Member States winemaking sectors, in order to upgrade overall sustainability and competitiveness.
Adult education, m-learning, e-learning, blended learning.