1 Witte Moscow University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 Moscow City University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 7002-7007
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.1395
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The article outlines specificity of communication between teachers and students implemented in an online format as part of distance learning.
Relevance of the study. In modern society, the global education system is responding to the challenge of the pandemic. Educational institutions are forced to transfer the learning process to a distance format, facing problems caused not only by technical equipment, but also by the preparedness of teachers and students to dialogue in new conditions.

The purpose of the research is to study the features of communication between teachers and students engaged in distance learning.

Research methods: a specially developed method for diagnosing the features of communication between teachers and students in distance learning. Statistical analysis methods: Student t-test for independent samples, Spearman rank correlation coefficient.

Characteristics of the sample: 274 students (162 girls and 112 boys) were interviewed. They are 2-5-year students of Russian Universities: Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow City University, Pirogov Research State Medical University, First Pavlov State Medical University, Ural Federal University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Omsk State University, Rostov State Medical University. The majority of respondents are trained in specialties related to communication with people (philology, pedagogy, medicine, pediatrics, psychology, etc.). The average age of respondents is 20.8 + - 2.6 years.
Results of the research: mathematical analysis of the data showed that distance learning is quite convenient for the majority of students studying in specialties related to communication with people (p=0.041). However, when comparing regular classes and distance learning, preference is given to classroom classes (p=0.027). In addition, 63.7% of students, regardless of their specialty, noted a deterioration in academic performance when switching to distance learning.

It should also be noted that some students prefer to study offline and complete tasks without communicating with their teacher (p=0.038). At the same time, those respondents who are accustomed to distance learning have noted that they connect to classes with their video switched off and without active participation in the discussion. However, all the students, regardless of the course and specialty of study, note that a direct dialogue between the teacher and students contributes to a better understanding of the learning material, even if it is delivered online (p=0.001).

An interesting fact is that various shortcomings of people are smoothed out when perceived in a remote format (p=0.017). However, great importance is attached to such characteristics of oral speech as tempo (p=0.0000), loudness of speech (p=0.002), correctness of phrase construction (p=0.043), emotional coloring of phrases (p=0.051). At the same time, students take into account the structure and logic in the presentation of the material (p=0.028), as well as the culture of speech (0.047).

Conclusions: based on the results of the study, it can be noted that for the majority of students studying in professions related to communication with people, distance learning is relatively convenient. However, preference is unanimously given to regular classes. A better understanding of the topic and material is facilitated by direct dialogue between the teacher and students, even if it is organized online.
Features of Communication Between Teachers and Students, communication between teachers and students implemented in distance learning.