Universitat de Barcelona (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Page: 3975 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1086
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
Quantitative research techniques constitute an important aspect in the learning process of social sciences students. As such, they represent an important part of the often-compulsory curriculum of undergraduate programs in Social Science especially Psychology, Sociology and Political Science. A standardized, fair and objective evaluation is important for the university as institution, for its members, students and professors, as well as for third parties trusting in objective evaluation criteria. In this sense, we discuss an evaluation rubric underlining its potential for marking, teachers’ self- and course evaluation as well as the generation of new learning materials.

The rubric has been developed in the context of an advanced quantitative methods course of the third year of the Sociology undergraduate program of the Universitat de Barcelona. The course is situated in the third year (of four years total corresponding to 240 ECTS) with almost 120 students. The compulsory course computing 6 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) aims to introduce undergraduate students to exploratory multivariant data analysis such as Log Lineal, Factor analysis (Principal Component Analysis and Correspondence Analysis) and Cluster Analysis. Here we will evaluate the rubric of a dimensionalization exercise in this multi-methods course and appoint its potential for marking, teachers’ self- and course evaluation as well as the generation of new learning materials. In other words, the rubric allowed us to better understand the weakness and the strengths shown by students during the course.

The rubrics for Principal Component Analysis and Correspondence analysis evaluate the execution of the program (mainly SPSS, and partly Excel, too), as well as the interpretation (fulfilment of conditions of the analysis, extraction of factors, identification of factors) and a successful linkage to substantive sociological theory.

Afterwards we use the rubric in order to guarantee a standardized, fair and objective evaluation. As such, it is a helpful tool also for revisions after the publication of the marks. Also, its dimensionalization is confirmed by a Principal Components Analysis.

Beyond marking, it also permits insights concerning the achievement of the teaching goals. In this sense, we detected that the overwhelming majority has achieved execution. Instead, linking results with the social reality or substantive social theory has resulted more complicated. The more mechanic interpretation (conditions of the analysis and extraction of dimensions) reached intermediate quotes of achievement. The introduction of other variables – such as sex/gender, model of the exam and morning or evening group – helped to confirm that women have a greater content achievement (1), no significant differences between the models of the exams could be detected (2) and students belonging the evening group had lower marks (3). We also tested to what extent satisfaction with the course and perceived self-efficacy are related with the dimensions of the rubric.

Finally, the rubric constitutes a very valuable material for teaching as it constitutes a familiar matrix to all the students. Anonymized matrices should be considered as easy learning materials to introduce Techniques such as Log Lineal, Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis.
Rubric, evaluations, quantitative methods, sociology.