University of Calabria (ITALY)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 5-7 March, 2018
Location: Valencia, Spain
Gal (2002) says that the ability to interpret, critically evaluate and communicate about statistical information and messages is essential in our technological society. In fact, many newspapers present graphs or data on the front page, but research in statistics education shows that graphs are difficult to interpret for most people (Ainley, 2000); more and more large companies have a policy of teaching almost all employees about how statistical information is used. In the school of the third millennium, teaching statistical data analysis is essential for the future citizens because it promotes opportunities to use mathematics in modelling problem situations. Moreover, technology has revolutionised the applications of statistics and, likewise, statistics education. With educational software designed to support the learning of statistics, data analysis is no longer the exclusive domain of statisticians (Ben-Zvi, Bakker & Makar, 2013). In particular, computer programming exposes students to computational thinking, which involves problem-solving using computer science concepts like abstraction and decomposition, and it is applicable and useful in their daily lives (Lye & Koh, 2014). In fact, computer programming is considered an important competence for the development of higher-order thinking in addition to algorithmic problem-solving skills. Its horizontal integration throughout all educational levels is considered worthwhile and attracts the attention of researchers.
Moving in this direction, this paper presents a didactical proposal concerning statistical thinking using Python programming language. The students’ activities are inspired by the framework of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), founded on the work of Hans Freudenthal (1973): RME places an emphasis on making mathematics education a relatable and usable experience for students.
The designed teaching setting based on RME and use of programming enables students to practice their critical thinking as well as their problem-solving, creativity and collaboration skills (Prensky, M., 2001; Caine, Renate M. and Geoffrey, 2011).Keywords:
Statistics education, Realistic Mathematics Education, Python programming language, Secondary School.