Universidad de La Rioja (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 11-13 November, 2019
Location: Seville, Spain
At the close of the Teaching Innovation Project (PID) "Incorporating Building Information Modeling (BIM) into the Industrial Construction course of the Industrial Engineering Master's Degree program", an evaluation survey is completed by students to collect information and feedback on the project's most significant aspects. For educators, the experience of designing, planning and executing the project was rewarding. The content and objectives proposed were successfully developed. Our teaching team firmly believes in the proposed methodology and aims to improve it and take on new challenges in subsequent courses. Teaching truly engaged students can provide immense professional satisfaction.
Teaching methodologies utilized in engineering courses should be dynamic and capable of adapting to present and future issues. In the 21st century, computer tools offer educators a myriad of possibilities that can and should be exploited to achieve learning objectives. Our students’ education and skills ought to reflect the demands of society. Capturing and keeping students’ attention sets the teaching-learning process into motion. In this case, work inside and outside the classroom becomes more enjoyable and productive for students, and for educators as well. Educators have the duty to adapt to new technological challenges and introduce them into their daily work. By doing so, educators can motivate students by teaching dynamic lessons with a professional nature that empower students to carry out their present and future work.
The activities developed in this teaching innovation project complement one another. The tasks aim to involve students in real-world issues so they can develop and apply their skills, abilities, attitudes, values and knowledge, through modern and innovative resources:
1) 3D modeling with the Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology on reinforced concrete and steel structures.
2) Completing an online seminar on Open BIM by the private company CYPE Ingenieros S.A. with the presentations "Introduction to Open BIM" and "Connecting Open BIM workflow in the project phase by designing structures and building facilities through the"
3) Constructing different prototypes of reinforced concrete floors. This activity was complemented by a visit to ESPACIO SAINT-GOBAIN 350 in Madrid, where real construction solutions could be observed.
The student satisfaction survey completed at the end of the teaching innovation project provided us with feedback on the activities and how to possibly improve them. We divided the survey items into three different groups: Methodology, Development and Results. The students’ responses to the project were overwhelmingly positive. All the items received at least 3.46 out of 5 points, so we consider the project a success. The question What do you think about the use of computer tools such as CYPE and OPEN-BIM? obtained an average of 4.04 points over 5. The question to receive the highest score was: Do you think working with current regulations (for professional work) is appropriate? It received an average of 4.21 points. Keywords:
Teaching innovation, Transversality, Structures, Building information modeling, Project Based Learning.