1 Osnovna šola 8 talcev Logatec (SLOVENIA)
2 BEC Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education (SLOVENIA)
3 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education (SLOVENIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 3084-3089
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0829
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
A survey of interesting science contents for fifth graders, which are not part of the science curriculum in Slovenia, revealed that bioluminescence is at the top of the list. This contribution presents a lesson on bioluminescence for fifth graders and its evaluation. Moreover, we were interested in the students' responses to the lesson activities in terms of situational interest and progress in scientific knowledge. Twenty-three fifth grade primary school students participated in the study, including 12 boys and 11 girls. The students participated in a lesson on bioluminescence. The learning objectives were to: Identify and list the most common luminous organisms (fireflies) in their immediate environment and in the global environment (luminous deep-sea animals, luminous worms, luminous algae ...); Identify and list the external appearance of the animal (luminous appearance) in relation to its way of life (hiding, predation, protection) and its living environment (deep sea environment - jellyfish, plankton and land - fireflies and glowworms ...); Describe how they imagine luminous organisms (size, shape and appearance ...); Identify the differences and details between different examples of luminous organisms (based on their living environment) and describe how they are adapted to the environment in which they live. understand what the phenomenon of bioluminescence is (description of the phenomenon) and explain its characteristics (origin); Explain the reasons why living organisms glow; Justify that bioluminescence is a phenomenon in living organisms where energy is released in the form of light; Use artistic techniques (drawing) to represent living organisms (bioluminescent organisms). We collected the data using a knowledge test and a questionnaire. The anonymity of the students was ensured by noting their identity with a specific code, which was also used in the questionnaire and the knowledge test. The results of the study show that the students' responses to the teaching activities were positive. After the teaching activities, the students showed a high situational interest and intrinsic motivation to learn science. Their answers to the knowledge test tasks also indicated progress in scientific knowledge.
Bioluminescence, primary school, students, interest, knowledge.