1 Department of Health Sciences, University West (SWEDEN)
2 School of Business, Economics and IT (SWEDEN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 1910-1913
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0551
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Digital technologies could be useful for strengthening elderly people through self-management (Khan, et al., 2018), and can contribute to equal, efficient (Eysenbach, 2001), accessible and safe care (WHO, 2012), such technologies can also increase welfare, good and equal health and strengthen the independence of individuals (Emilsson, et al., 2023; Government and Government Offices, 2016). Such digital tools have the potential to provide high-quality care services to older people, and relieve eldercare personnel, as their human hands are a scarce resource in the society (Nielsen, et al., 2016). Experiences show that the use of welfare technologies offers support to residents and eldercare personnel (Fisk, 2014). Shopping is an assistance-rated effort in municipality social care for elderly who cannot go to the store independently.

E-commerce has been introduced to replace the routine of having staff shopping based on a handwritten list in the local store and delivered the goods to the user. This was a way of working that contributed to one-sided purchases and difficulty for elderly people to get inspiration to vary their diet. Instead, the social care staff bring a tablet to the elderly for e-commerce. The elderly can instead browse the range of groceries themselves with the help of images and text, supported by the social care staff. The goods are then delivered home to the user of the store, which, if necessary, is coordinated with the social care service so that the staff can help with unpacking the goods.

This paper reports from an action research study, when implementing e-commerce in social care for elderly people. The users and relatives are generally very positive after using the e-commerce service. There was some resistance initially but that has largely disappeared. Some elderly people use the e-commerce service entirely by themselves, the staff just sit along. It is stimulating for the elderly people and for the staff who can only be with the elderly and socialize with them for a while. E-commerce has also been shown to improve the staff's working environment as it reduces heavy lifting and secures the handling of users' cash or payment card codes.

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E-commerce, social care, elderly people.